|Six: Magic Bullet|

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"Derek, hold up." Tye said and he caught onto Derek's arm before he could go racing after the alpha yet again. "You're faster, I'm the better climber. You run around on the street side, go around the building. I'll jump over and catch him on the rooftops. I can meet you in the middle." Tye said and Derek growled a little.

"Can you catch him?" Tye nodded at the words and Derek growled a little louder. "Be careful, Tye. If you get a chance, aim for the vital spots if you get close enough." Derek said.

"I know what to do, Derek, now get your ass moving." Tye shot back and before he knew it, Derek had shot off and away like a bullet from a gun and Tye took off running toward the wall nearest to him.

Tye began climbing up quickly in a practiced manner, catching onto very small handholds as he did. He pulled himself up onto the roof and he took off running, swinging around for a bit more of a running start before he was able to jump.

Then just before he reached the peak apex of his jump, he heard a familiar sound of a gun firing and then, a pain tore through his arm, like nothing he had ever felt before. Tye looked at his arm and there was a wound in it, and he was wincing at the sight.

"Oh god... Derek." Tye said and suddenly, Derek was running around the corner as Tye was leaning against the wall of the alley.

"Tye, what the hell..." Tye moved his wounded arm and gritted his teeth to show Derek the wound, as he fought the urge to scream. "Wolfsbane." His brother said at once and Tye laughed humorlessly.

"Yeah, no shit, Der. That much I already knew." Tye whispered and Derek offered him a hand up and Tye gladly took it, as Derek helped him get up and just as soon as Tye tried to be smart and to take a step on his own, he almost face-planted.

"Whoa, whoa... just take it easy for a few there, Tiger." Derek said and he'd move Tye's uninjured arm across his neck to support him and they slowly, very slowly started to walk away from where he was shot. "You need a bullet, the same bullet." Derek said as Tye growled a little.

"I already knew that, Derek, but you need to keep tracking the alpha down, we can't just drop everything because one of us got shot-"

"Yes we can, Tye!" Derek snarled and Tye looked at him in shock, as Derek's eyes blazed icy blue. "I can and I will, drop everything to help you. You're the last family that I have, Tye, I am not letting you go. You hear me?" Tye nodded as sweat had already begun to drip down his face. "Don't you ever say something, so stupid, ever again to me." Derek snapped as Tye silently nodded, recognizing the protective sort of nature that Derek hardly ever showed to anyone but his family.

"You got it." Tye mumbled and they made their way to the car that Derek had thankfully brought, just in case they needed it. "I told you that the car was a good idea..."

"Just get in and stay awake. I don't know exactly what that bullet will do to you, you're younger, thinner and have less muscle on you..."

"That's not necessarily true." Tye mumbled as he got into the car and he pulled his seatbelt on with difficulty. "I'm just not as big as you." Tye said as he leaned back against the seat with pain in his eyes.

"Okay, good point. But if it was an Argent who shot you, then they have the bullet. Which means... that we need Scott." Derek said with a growl and Tye nodded. "Here," Derek held out Tye's earbuds to him and Tye took them. "You need to focus on something other than the pain so, here."

Tye took the earbuds and plugged them into his phone, scrolling through his playlist. Derek started the car and Tye held his arm against him, as he saw that blood was running down his arm. "Derek, do you have an extra shirt?" Tye asked and Derek gave him a clean one, as Tye wrapped it around his arm in an attempt to soak up the blood from the wound, so that it didn't bleed all over the interior of Derek's car.

"Even if Scott doesn't get the bullet, I have a backup plan that will save your life." Derek said as he drove and Tye grumbled a little bit. "It involves blood though." Derek warned and Tye looked at him. "I'll cut your arm off, it's a last resort though."

"Lovely, I have something to look forward to." Tye said sarcastically and Derek glanced at him with a humorless laugh. "Where are we going?" Tye questioned and Derek shrugged a little. "Are we going home then?" Tye asked.

"Until we know what we are dealing with, we can't go home." Derek said as Tye grumbled a little, and pains were starting to shoot up his arm. "We will find a place." Derek said and Tye was resolving himself to simply leaning to the seat and he sighed.

The next day, Tye was in the parking lot, while Derek went into the school to try and find Scott and Stiles, or both if he could.

Tye pulled up the sleeve of the shirt that he had borrowed from Derek and he was wincing at the sight, of the red and black wolfsbane-poisoned blood that was now running down his arm.

"Shit." Tye whispered and he pushed his injured arm against him as he was leaning against the wall and silently, he slid down onto the ground with his head against the wall. "Damn it." He said softly and when the bell rang out to signal a break, his hands clamped over his ears and his injured arm was screaming at him.

After Derek had managed to grab Stiles to help him, they were all in the Jeep and Tye was blinking, as his eyes were flaring between icy blue and the brown eyes that he shared with Derek and periodically in flashes, he felt his fangs coming in and out again. "I am losing control of this." Tye said under his breath. "I need that damn bullet."

"Scott's getting the bullet, so just chill out..." Tye let out a feral sound of the growl and Stiles nearly went off of the road at the sound that he had made at the words. "Or not. Let's get you to the spot that Scott picked."

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