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Woooo boy, it's been a long time.. let's hope back into it!

Everything was over, everything happened so quickly, from watching his childhood friend Kairi be stolen away, to Riku's descend into darkness! It was like a long fast film of Sora's life being played before his eyes. He saw moments of various worlds and people, their customs and different outfits. He even had teammates who's faces were blurred out, but voices loud and familiar.

He saw faces he recognized, his brother Roxas, his friend Lea and a girl who looked so much like Kairi's sister. He saw Aqua, and Terra, even his elder brothers Ventus and Vanitas! Sora saw so much, heard so much.. yet he always woke up with no memory of it. Tonight was no different, he stood in a pond of crisp blue waters, which reflected the sky and clouds back at him. He dreamt of a talking cat who hopped around his legs.. and suddenly he delve right back to dream reality.

Sora came face first to the hard sandy floor, grunting as he looked up. His friends stood out in front of him, as if hiding him, but he wouldn't drag them down. He found himself gaining back his strength and confidence, with and power, force, and will of his friends.. he gave off one final attack. Then the dreams started to speed up, skipping dialogues, and blurring faces, merging voices into one. Until Sora found himself drifting in darkness..

Then he woke with a gasp, shooting out of bed, looking frantically around his room. His room was dark, save for the little moonlight that filtered in through his curtains. Sora started to calm down, slumping as he pushed his covers back. He checked his alarm clock, before slipping on his Donald Duck slippers and heading out of his room. It was 6:43 am, a few hours before school, at this time, Ventus should be up making coffee and breakfast, maybe Sora could receive some comfort.

As Sora dragged himself down stairs, he heard his older brother singing to some random song he probably heard on the radio. He jumped the last step, scaring the blonde adult, before Sora stepped into the kitchen. "Sora! You scared me!!" He gasped, before setting down his spatula, Ventus would step over to give his cheeks a pinch, resulting in Sora trying to get away. "Ah! Ven! Stop that! I can wake up early sometimes ya'know!" Sora huffed. Ventus would move back to the stove, flipping pancakes. "You only ever wake up early when you've had a nightmare... so what's wrong?"

Sora only stared at his feet, before he shuffled over to the island and sat down. "It wasn't a nightmare, just.. a recurring dream I have no memories of and leaves me with questions." He crossed his arms over the stone, staring hard at one spot. "I don't even know how to explain it.. but it's like I'm watching a movie of another life I never had! I've seen everyone there, you! Aqua, Rox.. Vani. Everyone." He mumbled, before he laid his head down. "It leaves me feeling anxious, relieved, and.. sad." Sora could hear Ventus moving around as the man set the table, before Sora looked up at him.

"Sora, I'm sure that within all these dreams there's a much bigger picture. A picture you're struggling to see. Maybe you should keep a dream journal, it'll make it easy to piece everything." Ventus suggested, stepping over to the fridge to pull out the drink options. Sora stared ahead, watching the blonde move around in his element. He didn't snap out of his thoughts, until he heard Vanitas coming down stairs. "Oh? What an interesting sight? Sora, you're never up early." Sora looked over at the eldest, frowning at him, Vanitas was already seemingly dressed for work. So that must mean it was 7:15 already. "I.. needed some advice from Ven." "Ventus?" Sora nodded, which left Ventus huffing. "Why'd you say it like that! I have very good advice!" "Suuuure, Ventus."

Sora rolled his eyes, smiling. He got up out of his chair after, he would stop by the store later then, and buy a dream journal. Maybe Ventus had a point about his dreams. He would doc everything he remembered and continue, until he had no more to write.

Word count: 728

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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