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"WHAT?" Ven shouted slamming his hands down on the table. Sitting opposite of a table booth in a cafe were Aqua and Terra. Vanitas pulled Ventus down slightly "Ven we're in public" "I don't care! Aqua! You're what?!" Ven questioned, shocked. Aqua smiled softly a pale hand on her stomach "Ven calm down" "I will- ack!" Vani shoved a cookie in Ven's mouth, shutting him half up. Terra gave Vani a thankful look behind Aqua's back. Aqua frowned at Vani's roughness. "Vanitas did you have to be so rough?" "Did you want him to keep talking?" Aqua narrowed her eyes at him. Terra put a reassuring hand on her's. "Aqua don't worry about Vanitas, to much for the baby" "You're right" "ugh, gross" Terra glared at Vani. Ven finally finished the cookie and took a sip of his soda before continuing. "Aqua how could you not tell me?" "Ven I didn't cause I knew this is exactly what you would do!" "Aqua..." "I'm sorry Ven, I wanted to wait a little longer" "A little longer?! You're eight month's Pregnant!!!" "Shh! Ven!" Terra hissed. Everyone in the cafe was looking in there direction. Ven blushed before sitting down quickly next to Vani. He was leaning on the window, his soda in hand, he raised an eyebrow. "Now you're embarrassed?" "Shaddup" Ven mumbled. The door opened and in entered Roxas and Sora. "Vani said they were here..." "Oh! There they are! HI VEN!" Aqua turned to Vani a look on her face. Ven smiled and waved the boys over. "Sora, Roxas!" He called they walked over. Aqua smiled at them, and gave Vani a kick under the table. Vani didn't flinch, but instead moved over in the booth so they could sit. Roxas and Sora squeezed into the booth, Roxas took a picture of Aqua. Terra frowned, Aqua scrunched up her nose. Suddenly a wave of anger came over her, she slammed her hands on the table. "What the star did you think your doing here?" She hissed. Terra waved his hand, pulling Aqua out of the booth. "Hormones, she doesn't mean it guys" "well Sheesh if she didn't mean it she shouldn't have gotten pregnant...." Roxas muttered. Aqua suddenly started to shake, a soft sob leaving her lips. "I-I shouldn't have!" She sobbed. Terra glared and ushered her out of the cafe. Ven and Sora hit Roxas playfully. "Roxas!" They said in unison. Vani reached over and smacked Roxas upside the head. "OW!" "Dummy" "You're going to apologize!" "Alright alright" Roxas muttered. Sora squeezed out, Roxas following. Ven looked over at Vani, he was shaking his head. "Idiot" "Well now we know, keep Roxas away from pregnant women." "Yup"

Sorry for the really long update. It's been really busy at school. So here you go!
Word Count: 468

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