A fight

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"Argh!" "That's right dork! Don't butt in other people's business!" Roxas looked up from his spot on the floor. A punch to the face and blood started flowing down his nose.

You're probably wondering how this happened?

Like always Ienzo was getting picked on in science. You would think, since his guardian was there he would notice. Nope! He didn't notice, Roxas and Axel did though. First it started with name calling, then it was paper and spit balls. Axel turned and threatened them, but Ienzo turned him back around. Roxas sat in front of them he so couldn't exactly tell them off. After class it followed into the halls, they kicked and pulled at Ienzo's clothes and legs. All the way to his locker, they slammed him into it and that's when Roxas lost his cool. "HEY!" "Huh?" "Leave him alone you jerks!" "Jerks?!" The head guy pushed Ienzo away and marched over to Roxas. He got in his face and Roxas almost kicked him in the gut. He clenched his fist and glared at the bully. "Leave Ienzo Alone" Roxas hissed the guy laughed and then turned slamming his nose into his face.
"Argh!" "That's right dork! Don't butt in other people's business!" Roxas looked up from his spot on the floor. And we're back here. A small group already started forming around them. The bully scoffed and turned around to get back to his goons. When Roxas looked over he spotted Axel running off. Not doubt gonna grab a teacher, Roxas frowned. He was NOT going to let them get away with bullying Ienzo! He stood up and ran forward, time to put his training to work. He slammed his foot into the back of the guys head. He hit the floor with a hard thunk "Agh!" He grunted and turned on Roxas. "You're gonna pay for that punk!" He threw himself at Roxas. It was times like this he wished, he inherited Vanitas' psychotic attitude. Not Ven's. They tumbled to the floor in a bundle of wild limbs. The crowd started to cheer as Roxas swung his foot and hit him where the sun don't shine. " AHA! Pay back!" "So you thought!" Suddenly Roxas was grabbed and held back. While the bully collected himself, his stupid goons grabbed Roxas and held him back. Roxas trashed and struggled, it was absolutely useless. The guy stood and punched Roxas right in the stomach. He groaned in pain. ' C'mon! Think about your training! You've done this before!' He thought suddenly gaining enough strength to flip them over his shoulder. He backed up, dizzy and out of breath. The bully raised his fist and brought it down on Roxas' face. Suddenly a voice called out "What is going on here!?" Everyone turned to the voice. Axel stood somewhat away from the teacher as he called both Roxas and the bully out. "What do you think ya'll are doing!" He questioned. Roxas looked back over at Axel and he shrugged. The teacher grabbed Roxas and the Bully, then hauled to the principals office. "No! Sir please! My dad just can't find out!" Roxas looked over at the bully, he looked scared. The teacher scoffed "This was your! Last straw, you'll be kicked out from school." "W-What!" Roxas turned and spotted Sora running over to Roxas. Someone must have told him about the fight. "Why aren't you scared Nerd!?" The bully asked. Roxas rolled his eyes at him "Look idiot. I have two possible out comes." The bully raised an eyebrow. Roxas continued "If my older brother, shows up all I have to do it tell him why I did it. And poof I'm off the hook." "The other one?" "If my eldest brother, shows up same as the first however I won't be let off the hook that easily" Roxas shivered. The bully huffed "Scared of you your own stupid family, huh, Pipsqueak?" "Who you calling stupid, Dummy?" Roxas turned and froze, standing behind him were both, Ventus and Vanitas. Ventus wrapped his arm around Sora, while Vani was led into the office with the bully's dad. The bully tensed and Roxas gave Ven a sheepish look. "Why?" "Huh?" "Why did you do it Rox?" Roxas swallowed and frowned, glaring at the bully, before turning back to Ven. "For Ienzo" "Ienzo?" "Yeah this guy has been bullying him for years!" Ven frowned. Suddenly and loud bang happened and Vanitas emerged. "We're leaving" "GET BACK HERE COWARD!" Came a voice. Vanitas froze and Ven grabbed his arm" Van-" "Coward?" He said turning. The eldest threw himself at the bully's dad.

Another chapter might be titled the same as this one. Here's the new update. I'm gonna start updating everyday again. And probably two times a day.

Word Count: 799

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