Happy Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving. A day known to stay up all night preparing. Especially if you're hosting thanksgiving dinner at you're place. Vani half dragged himself out of bed and stumbled over to his dresser. A horrible disgusting day, meant for dressing nicely. He pulled on a white button up shirt, buttoning only half of them. A knock was heard and Ventus opened the door a smile on his face. He was wearing a black button up shirt. Ironic right? Ven walked over and fixed his shirt for him. Vani yawned and watched Ven with tired eyes. It was amazing how Ven didn't have bags. A loud knock was heard down stairs and Sora raced by. "I GOT IT!" He cried as he basically flew down the stairs. Vani and Ven shared a smile before leaving the room into the hall. Already Sora's voice was loud and clear from down stairs, Roxas shuffled his way past the older two giving them a small good morning. Vani and Ven both walked down and made a beeline straight to the kitchen, to start setting up. Sora invited their guest in, which was just their friends or well just Sora's group for now. Roxas started setting up the living room popping in a movie of any kind for them to watch, Kairi walked into the kitchen and asked if she could help. Ven handed her some plates and asked if she could set them, Vani pulled out the ham or turkey, he couldn't really tell. After she politely set the table Ven waved her away and went about pulling out different things. While the kids sat down for a movie before they started, someone started knocking on the door, Ven went to grab it and lit up at his group of 'Adult Friends' as Sora puts it. Aqua and Terra, with new bundle of joy, entered the household. Kairi was on the baby in a instant, asking Aqua all sorts of questions. Ven joined Vani in the kitchen with Aqua, a few minutes later. Aqua started setting up the food, her and Ven making small talk. After finishing food that was left behind, they started making some room. That's when Roxas' small group of friends showed up. Ienzo and Lea exchanged hello's and small hugs, Aqua introducing her child. Vani leaned on the door frame watching from the hall. Ven and Sora where having a heated discussion, probably about Christmas. Roxas, Lea, and Ienzo where actually in a small group around Aqua's kid. Terra and Riku where having a stare down. Kairi was laughing at Riku and Sora, though she didn't butt in. Vani was about to tell them it was time, but the doorbell went off. He turned and made his way to the door, fixing the mess of shoes by the door. He pulled open the door and froze, standing in front of him was his mother. Her brown blonde hair braided back from her face. Blue eyes nervously looking at him and away from him. At her side was Xion, their cousin, Vani looked at her, shock on his features. His mother smiled and raised her hands "Happy...Thanksgiving...?". Vani moved out of the way, holding the door open "Shoes stay by the door". His mother nodded and entered the small house taking her and Xion's shoes off. Vani took the coats and led them to the living room. Sora was surprisingly the first to notice the lady by Vani's side. He stared at her for a while before he walked over. "You're....Mother?" He asked, the lady looked over, tearing up she nodded her head. Sora immediately embraced her, hiding his face in her shoulder. His mother looked over at Vani and couldn't help, but tear up herself. "You raised him right" she whispered, running her fingers though Sora's hair. Roxas and Ven where the next to notice, Roxas ran over and embraced both Sora and her. Ven just stood next to Vani, waiting for his turn to get a hug. He spared a look to Vani and smiled. Vani had a small smile on his face, he wasn't tense either. Ven smiled and slightly nudged Vani in the side. He looked over with an eyebrow raised "I thought you didn't like our mother?" Ven asked. Vani scoffed "I don't like her" "Suuure" Ven said looking at her as she turned to them. "Oh VenVen!" She said embracing him tightly, she pulled away and started giving small kisses. Ven groaned "Moooom! Stoooop!" He said slightly pushing her away. She just smiled and looked over at Vani. She seemed to think for a minute before embracing him. Very tightly to. Vani grunted at the force of the hug, almost like he was being threatened. She stayed there, Vani stuck in her arms for a long time. They couldn't tell her expression, cause her was hiding her face in his chest. Vani instinctively ran his fingers though her hair, hoping to calm her down. The other three went back to their groups to keep the attention off of the other two. Vani sighed "Why are you even hugging me?" "I don't want you to hate me Vanitas" she whispered. Vani stayed silent and then started to laugh, almost maniacally. "I don't hate you" "I- Wait What?" "I don't hate you, I just can't really stand you" "Stand me?" Vani looked away and cleared his throat. "You're just difficult to deal with" "Difficult...." "Just- I'm sorry" She looked at him in shock. He was sorry, why would he be, she was more sorry then him. She cupped his cheek, and looked him in the eye. "Vanitas... My first born" she placed a kiss on his forehead and finally turned her attention to Xion. Vani stood there, frozen, finally he looked over and sighed. He couldn't be stopped now, he turned to the stairs and climbed them. When he reached the top he disappeared to his room. He started to dig around for the one thing he would need. A smile came on his face and he disappeared down the stairs. Standing in the archway to the living room, he held up the camera. "Annnnd- Click!" He said snapping a picture or two. He set it to the side and called out. "Oi! It time to eat!" Everyone made their way to the kitchen. And thus Thanksgiving began.
"What are you thankful for Van?" "Not you" "HEY!"

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are ya'll thankful for? I'm thankful for you guys enjoying this book!

Word Count: 1,090

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