Away from home

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"It's been about a few days since the Vanitas incident" Sora said to Riku over the phone. "I... Ven decided we're gonna go back to the island for a while" he continued. "We're not gonna be a school for a while either" Sora tightened his grip on the phone. "Why aren't you saying anything?" He asked. Riku was silent for a moment longer, before finally responding. "I don't know what to say about this Sora, just that, everything will be okay and goodbye" he said hanging up. Sora put the phone down and stared at his bag. "It's only for a little bit Sora, then we'll come straight home I promise" Ven said softly, putting his own bags down. Sora nodded and hugged Ven as Roxas came back to put Sora's luggage in the car. "Guys, c'mon" he mumbled softly, leaving, Ven let go of Sora. "Everyone on the Island are excited to see us after so long" he said. Sora nodded and followed after Roxas, he Donald and Goofy Tsum under his arm.
"Ventus! Your home!" Their aunt said, immediately glomping the poor boy. They had just pulled up and out of the car, when they were noticed. "Oh my! Look at you! Oh is that Sora and Roxas!" She let go of Ven and hugged the other two. "You all got so big!" She said cheerfully. "Donald! Goofy!" Came a young voice, Sora immediately shoved the two Tsum's into Roxas' chest. "Abby! Donald and Goofy aren't real!" He said, the young girl looked up at Sora with narrowed eyes. This was the daughter of Eraqus and their aunt. She had pale skin, black hair and beautiful greenish gold eyes. She looked a bit like Vanitas, Ven turned away and strode up to the big house. "Your a liar!" Abby argues, Sora crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his tongue out. Roxas followed after Ven, hiding the Tsum's from sight. "Take them to my old room" he said softly, entering the the house. Their mother stood in the living room, trying to keep her mind busy. "Mom-" she quickly stood to her feet "Ven!" She said walking over to hug him. "Oh I'm so sorry about- ya'know V" she said, gently rubbing his back. Ven nodded "It's fine" "VEN HELP!" Sora shouted running into the living room and hiding behind Ven. "Wha- Sora I know you just go here, but don't run in the house!" He scolded, Sora smiled sheepishly and opened his mouth to say something. "V-Ven!" Loud thumps sounded on the floor, before Roxas appeared. "Can we go to the island! With the tree house??" He asked, Sora scoffed and crossed his arms. "It's a Boat House!" He said "Get it right Roxas!" "Well excuse me princess!" "Hey-" "Of course, first you both have to get dressed in lighter clothes and unpack-" the trailed off, the two already ran off. Ven smiled and looked out the window towards the island. "Take the boat and Abby, Ven" Their mother said softly, giving him a small kiss. Ven nodded and looked into the lawn. Abby was running around in circles, her mother following and laughing. "Hey Abby!" The young girl stopped. "Get your bathing suit on! We're going to the island" the girl jumped up cheerfully. Ven turned from the window and left to get ready himself.
"Ven! What the heck" Sora said, looking at Ven who was swimming. Roxas was floating and Abby ran off somewhere. Ven smiled and stuck his tongue out "Oh come on! It's just a bit of water!" He said swimming away as Sora advanced. "You ruined my process though!" He said, before getting in the water and swimming after the blonde. "Your horrible! You murdered my sand people's home!" "I did not!" "Hey watch where your splashing!" The two stopped and stared at Roxas before silently agreeing on a truce. The slowly, and well tried, to silently creep up behind the floating Roxas. "... Why'd ya'll get so-" The two grabbed his arm and pushed him under. "-QUIET!!" He splashed and grabbed Sora's leg, fulling him under. "Ven-!"
"We're pretty far from home, huh?" Sora said softly, looking over to Ven. The dirty blonde looked away from the sleeping form of Roxas. "Yeah..." He said softly. "I wish Vani was here to enjoy it with us" " Yeah, But you know Vani" "He hates the sun!" The two said in unison. They both laughed before looking up at the sky. "Oh this is also a great place for stargazing!" Sora said pointing to the sky, Ven nodded and folded his hands behind his head. "I'll need to write it down in my journal" he said softly. Sora sighed and closed his eyes, resting against the soft sand. "Don't fall asleep like Roxas, it'll take days to get the sand off if you do" Ven joked, looking for a sign in the stars. "But what would be worse if, it actually stays in the hair. When we go home and it's still in your hair, Vani isn't gonna like it" he said trailing off.

Word Count: 855

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