Brighter Stars

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After a long night of asking questions, crying, and hugging Roxas and Sora finally fell asleep. Vanitas was currently watching the tv, well okay, more like staring at the screen. He was too worried about Ventus, lost in his own thoughts of the younger male. Vani wiped the tears of sleep from the corner of his eye. He looked at Sora, who's hand he was currently holding. Vani gently ran his thumb over the back of his hand and smiled. Sora was fine, he had a bit of amnesia, he didn't remember who did it or how it happened. Plus the brunette would leave with a few scars and maybe bruises and a few broken bones. Ventus was in worse condition, Vani could tell from from the others current state. He was so lost in though he hadn't seen or heard the nurse come in. Not until she had shook his shoulder, calling his name softly. 'Mr. Hikari? Sir? Sir?? ' She was shaking Vani slightly and giving him a confused look. Vani snapped up out of his thoughts and looked at the nurse. She had a surprised look on her face when he snapped back to reality. Though her face immediately changed after, she bit her lip and looked guilty. She cleared her throat and bowed down, low. 'Sir! I'm sorry I hadn't got you earlier, but Ventus was taken into surgery! ' Vani froze at what she said, letting go of Sora's hand slightly. 'But don't worry! He was sent back to his room and woke up a few hours ago! ' The nurse continued to blabber. Vanitas had stopped listening to the lady, he stood up and immediately left the room. The nurse was a bit baffled when the male suddenly left the room. She stayed in place and looked from the two boys sleeping to the door. While the nurse collected her thoughts, Vanitas hurried to Ventus' own hospital room. Vani didn't enter, but he stood in front of the door for a while. He stood so long, he actually was blocking the doctor from doing his rounds. When the door opened, Vani followed in slowly. Ventus immediately spotted the doctor, but not Vanitas, and he was fine with that. It was only a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity with his waiting. On the doctors way out, she just 'had' to point the black haired male in the room before leaving. Vanitas made a mental note to 'accidentally' run into her, but after Ventus. The black haired male was a bit skeptical about approaching, just incase, Ventus himself didn't remember. While Vanitas was slowly and carefully approaching Ventus, he was silently laughing. Finally after what seemed like five hours, Ven spoke first. "Vani, hurry up, I'm not getting any older" he said suddenly. Vanitas jumped and gave Ventus a slight nasty look, that quickly changed to worry and then relief. Ven was a bit taken back when Vani had approached him, quicker and embraced him. Vani was quite for a minute before tightening his grip. "Are you okay? What happened? Do you remember?" The ravenette asked. Ventus only blinked before giving Vani a hug back and answering his questions one by one. "I'm fine.. we'll as fine as one can get right after a car accident." He said. Vani shot him a look and Ven smiled. "I remember what happened" he said, Vani sat down in the chair next to him. "Then again it was just simple, I accidentally ran a red light and a truck ran into the car" he said, looking at his lap. Ven didn't want to explain every little detail, but he gave a run down. "I was so worried about you..." Vani said. Ven stared at his hands before sighing softly, he leaned back to fall asleep again. "I know you did... I'm sorry" "It's okay... I'm glad you're fine now." Vani said, looking at Ven who was falling asleep. He grabbed the blonde's hand and kissed the back of it, before putting his head down and falling asleep himself.


Vanitas, Roxas, And Sora we're in Ven's room. The four playing uno, the tv on in the background. Sora has begged to spend time with Ven. They doctor finally caved and let him do what he pleased. Roxas slammed his hand on his leg. "NOOO" "HAHA! Skipped!!" "HOW COULD YOU SORA! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" "I DO! BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN ILL SPARE YOU!!" Vanitas shook her head and sighed, placing a plus four on the stack. Ven smiled and place another on top, Sora froze. Roxas started to laugh loudly. "DRAW EIGHT, LOSER!! HAHA" "N-NOOO!" Ven smiled at the two, shooting at look at Vani who looked smug. The game went on until Vanitas won. The ravenette put his hand down and sighed. "I'm glad you are both okay" he said softly. Ven smiled softly at Vanitas' soft spot. Roxas hugged the older male, and then the moment was broken. "I WOULD'VE BEEN IF YOU AND VEN DIDNT HIT ME WITH THAT +8!!" Sora cried out. Vanitas sighed softly. "I'll hit you plus eight times if you don't give me a hug you pelican!" "PELICAN!?"

Welp! I'm done. Only a few more chapters left and this book comes to a sad but happy end!! I'll talk more about this book then. But while you wait for the last few! Check out my new book! 'FFXV: The Family Records!'
It's a book I've been planning for a bit now, it's the same as this one, however no fighting is in it, well not counting little whinny fights. It is bound to be longer then this book I knew that for sure!
Word count: 955

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