Relationships (rewrite)

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When Valentine's Day had came around Sora proposed an idea of him.. dating someone. At first it got a few laughs, mostly from Vanitas, but some acknowledgeable nods. When he had ask if dating Kairi was a good idea... well. Ventus had given Sora a certain look, or well a disgruntled look. Roxas questioned him to no end about it, and once again... Vanitas laughed. After repeated explanations, conversations, and.. well laughs. Sora decided maybe a small box of chocolates and a hug would do better. He wasn't ready for a deeper relationship just yet.

Roxas was the next one who explained his plan for asking out his friend, Owlette. Ventus had smiled and went on about how sweet she was and respectful. Vanitas had stood up to tape Ventus' mouth shut before he went on about anything. Though while he took his sweet time sipping his coffee, Sora gave his opinion. The brunette went on about how happy and supportive he would be about Roxas dating her. However he ended up guilt tripping Roxas without even trying! "Awe. That would would great Rox!! Oh.. but if you get a girlfriend that would be you wouldn't be able to spend any time with me..." he had stated. Roxas has already immediately knew it answer after that. Though Vani still wanted to give an input so he heard him out. "It probably would be a cool idea... buuuut, it's funny as coconuts that she would ever get with you." He said, before getting a smack on the side of the head.

It was clear both Roxas and Sora were NOT ready for anything too serious with their close friends. Plus they didn't want to be made fun of by the oldest. Though it seemed Kairi and Owlette were both content to stay good friends until further notice.

Word count: 309

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