After all

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"Wahhh!" Loud pitched voices broke the heavy atmosphere. The people standing in the hospital room laughed and cheered. The doctor who had conducted the birth, took the babies to an area away. The other people hugged and cried happy tears, two brothers who were standing by the window, looked over. Their mother and grandmother where holding each other and crying. The doctor turned back and handed both of the twins to their mother. "What will their names be!" Their grandmother asked, the two boys walked over to examine their new little brothers. "Oh! Well mom you should know!" Their mother said softly, she turned to her eldest and second eldest. "Vanitas, Ventus?" The two looked at her "Meet you're baby brothers Roxas and Sora"
"Give it back!" A brown haired toddler shouted, hitting the blond toddler in front of him. Ventus looked up and immediately grabbed the toy between the two. "Hey! Sora don't hit Roxas!" "But Ven he took my toy!" Sora retorted, Roxas blew a raspberry "Nuh, Uh!" "Yuh, Huh!" "Children!" The three turned to the maid next to them. "The young master is studying please keep quite" "yes ma'am!" The maid nodded and closed the door behind her. The three looked at each other, Sora and Roxas looked hurt. "Why doesn't Vwni plwy with us?" "....I don't know Sora"
"Mom we can't just leave Sora and Vanitas!" Their mother pulled harshly on Ventus' arm. She turned back to the door, their father stood there. His white hair blowing softly in the wind, he stared back at her. Next to him stood Vanitas and Sora. Their mother scoffed and pushed them away slightly "let's go boys" she hissed. "Vanitas, go inside with Sora" "Father-" "Now" the black haired boy nodded. "Of course Father" He said turned back inside with Sora.
Ven brushed some of Roxas' hair out of his face, humming softly. "Ven... I'm sorry!" A female voice said though the door, Ven turned away from the door. "It's all you're fault"

Vani raised his arm to protect the flying fist towards his face. He grunted as pain blossomed in his arm, he looked at their father. "Vanitas, What do you think you're doing?" "Don't hurt Sora" "The boy dropped his-" "It doesn't matter! I won't let you hurt him!" The black haired boy shouted. Xehanort frowned and narrowed his eyes "Fine, you've gotten what you asked for" he hissed lowly. "Sora go to you're room!" Vani shouted to the brunette behind him. The younger nodded and raced up the stairs.
"Good luck Vani!" Sora shouted smiling at his older brother. Vani fixed his tie a bit and nodded smiling at Sora. "Of course" he patted Sora on the head softly "Get to school, when you get home.... Ventus and Roxas will be here" he said softly. Sora laughed and nodded "Okay!"

Ven swallowed thickly, looking at his mother as she paced. She was muttering to herself and tugging softly on a piece of her hair. Ventus ran his fingers though Roxas' hair and hummed softly. Finally the doors opened and in entered a man. Their mother paused and glared at the man, he had a folder in his hands. The two stood side by side "Hello Mr. Vanitas and Mrs. Kumo."
"I cannot believe you Roxas!" Sora yelled. "It has to be done Sora!" "No it didn't!!"
"V-Vani?" "The one and only, why are you crying?" He asked. Roxas let out a heartbroken sob and hugged Vanitas. "Sora told me he hated me!" "Why would Sora day that?"
"Yeah he doesn't hate him" "B-But!! I told Roxas I hated him!" "You What?!" "I'm Sorry!" "Sora 'hate' is a very strong word!" "I'm sorryyyyy!"
Roxas looked up as Sora finally sat at the table, he laid his head down and sighed. "What's with you?" He asked, taking a bite of his toast. "I need some money for a fundraiser, but I'm to scared to ask Vani" he whined softly. Roxas rolled his eyes and shook his head "Vani's coming down in a minute just ask him then" "What! No!" "He'll be half asleep just do it!" "Fine" After a few minutes Vani finally came down. "Where's Ven?" He asked sitting down after getting a cup of coffee. Roxas looked to Sora and nodded his head in Vani's direction. "Left early" "Uh Hey Vani?" "Mhm" "Can I have, like ten bucks?" Vani took a sip of his coffee before pulling his wallet out. Sora looked at Roxas with bewilderment, Vani pulled two five dollar bills and handed them to Sora. " 'ere" he mumbled. Sora blinked and smiled before standing up and grabbing his bag "Thanks!" Roxas shot up after him. "Hey wait!" Vani sighed softly and set his cup down "I can never finish my coffee.... or yea for that matter" he grumbled.

If you truly thought about everything Vanitas has done for his siblings. You could perhaps say he would do anything for them.
After all how would you know?

I forgot to upload a Christmas chapter I'm sorry... oh. But yeah Ventus is back, maybe I'll going into detail about it.
Word Count: 859

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