Let's Go Home

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Ven smiled apologetically at Riku, as Roxas glared. Ven patted Roxas on the back and slightly nudged him. Riku looked between them and took a step back as Roxas turned from him. Ventus just smiled as Roxas marched over to the paopu island. Riku shifted on his feet nervously, looking from Ven to Roxas. Ventus opened his mouth to say something, when Riku jumped. Ventus stepped back and Riku turned to look behind him. There stood Xion and Vanitas. The two seemed to wonder how the silver haired man appeared. Xion took a small nibble of her ice cream and looked at Vanitas. Vanitas leaned forward and grabbed Riku's jacket. Riku looked back at Ven, who just smiled at him in response. Finally, a soft, but loud happy laugh sounded around. The group looked over, Roxas was walking back. A younger version of Sora was holding Roxas' hand and laughing. He didn't seem to notice Riku just yet, Xion and Vanitas stood in front of him. Roxas led him over to the group, Ven bended down to Sora's height. Sora looked up at him with his big eyes and smiled wider. He waved his unoccupied hand "Hi Ventus!!" He said. Ven smiled and waved back "Hi Sora" Sora smiled up at him and looked at Roxas. Roxas frowned and nodded his head, letting go of Sora's hand. Sora walked around Ven and stopped in front of Vani and Xion. He also waved to them, with both his hands. "Hi Vanitas! Hi Xion!" He said, they both waved back. Sora blinked his eyes up at them, expecting them to move. When they didn't he dug the tip of his foot into the sand. "Uhm" He said Xion smiled and handed Sora her unfinished ice cream. Sora took it but still looked like he wanted to say something. Finally Vani slightly pushed Xion out of the way and joined the group. Vani stood next to Ven and help Xion steady herself. Sora jumped up and smiled running to hug Riku around the waist. "Rikuuu! When did you get here?!" He asked looking up at the older man. Riku blinked in slight shock and cleared his throat. He picked the younger Sora up and looked him in the eye. "I came to get you, Sora we have to go back" Sora grew quite. He looked at Riku and frowned, he looked like a kicked puppy. Riku felt horrible, as Sora turned to the others. Sora sniffed and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. Roxas smiled and walked over, ruffling Sora's hair. "It's gonna be okay!" "Yeah!" Xion piped up "We'll still be here!" "And when you need us to help you" Vanitas shrugged. Sora smiled and nodded his head furiously. "Especially when you're hurt or in danger" Ven finished. The other three nodded their heads in agreement. Sora looked at Riku and nodded his head "Okay Riku! I'm ready!" Riku smiled and walked back to the dock. "Really?" "Yes really!! Let's go home!" He cried out and smile on his face. As Riku and Sora got ready to leave again, he looked back. "BYE GUYS!" The trio waved. "I'LL BE BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" "DON'T!" Roxas shouted and Sora laughed. "YEAH! TAKE YOU'RE TIME!" "BYEEEE!" "DON'T COME BY SO SOON!" Sora smiled at their goodbyes. He sniffled again and looked at Riku, his older form was back. He was leaving, leaving his small family. Riku patted his head and smiled softly "You'll see them again" "Really?" "Yeah" Sora was happy, he could see them again before this all ended.....

What he wasn't expecting was it to happen like this.

It's been awhile I know! Sorry, this is based a bit off of DDD soooo. Just with the addition of Vanitas. The Paopu Island is, if you haven't really guessed. It's the island with the Paopu tree!
Word Count: 650

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