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"OW! Ven that hurt!" "What do you mean!? You're always getting hurt on missions" "Yeah, but that's different!" "How is that different then this!!" Sora and Ventus we're currently training in the front yard. Wooden key blades in hand as they bickered, Roxas strode up to the gate. "What the dusk?" "Roxas!!! Tell Ven he's being rough!" "Rough!? I'll show you rough!!" "Argh! Hey!!" Roxas blinked and laughed at the two, wiping tears away. "Oh god this is good" "What?" "Sora-"

"Hey! Help me out" The three youngest turned to the oldest and stared for a minute. Vantias has claimed to go shopping for food and stuff, now he stood in the drive way glaring down the younger ones. "Help me" "oh! Sorry Vani!" Ven was the first to start. Sora strode up to Vanitas, a pout on his face "Vani, tell Ven he's being hard on me" "What do you mean Sora! It's no different then what you do!" "Yeah it is!" "Enough! If you're going to whine then you can spar with me" Vani spat. Sora stared at him then jumped back, rabidly shaking his head. "I'm fine!" He grabbed Ven and dashed out the door, Roxas taking his place a minute after.

"What did you buy?" "Sweets, food and ice cream" "Ooh! Where at?" "Front seat" "Okay!" Vani rolled his eyes, Ven and Roxas toke turns training Sora when he needed it most. Sora was to scared to face Vanitas one on one, though he didn't really care. He was glad he could watch and laugh on the side lines.

Roxas dashed in tub of ice cream in hand "It's gonna melt!" "No duh it's hot outside!". It was currently the hottest day of the year, that tub of ice cream was the third one by far. More cry's and shouts were heard then a loud crash. Vani turned around in a instant a glare on his features. "A broken window...Who did it!!" "It wasn't me!!" "Yeah it was!!" "No it wasn't!" Vani rubbed his temples, this was gonna be one a very long day.


Word Count:352

Kingdom Hearts: Sora's heart dribblesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora