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Ventus never really had nightmares, they hardly ever plagued his mind. It happened right after the other three had left. Vani had something come up and the boys had a slumber party. So that left Ven all alone in the house by himself. Right before bed he turned off a majority of the lights in the house. Then he went up to his room, all the while singing softly to himself. "Don't get me wrong I love you" He closed the door behind him softly. "But does that mean I have to meet your father?" He stretched and climbing into bed, yawning. Ven reached over and turned off his lamp before turning over and yawning again. He looked out at the stars then fell asleep.




It was... it was so cold. Ventus' eyes fluttered open, his eyes darting around the dark area. He felt like he was almost floating, Ventus looked over and spotted his heart. His eyes fluttered close again as his feet gently hit the gate.




A figure hovered above him, a key blade pointed at his neck. The figure laughed, lowering it "Your so hopeless"




"You're useless" "I'll come back for you Ven!" "Shattered"

Ventus looked around once more, the bodies of his loved ones a bloodied pile. Tears surfaced and he backed up coving his mouth. "What is this?!" Ventus shouted, as he backed up he tripped over one of the bodies. He landed on his butt looking at the body. It was Sora, his arm was what tripped him, Ventus started to push himself away. His breath getting more faster, Ventus bumped into a few more bodies. Roxas. Terra. Aqua. Vanitas. Xion.... "Everyone was taken from you Ventus"

~End Of Dream~

Ven shot up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, he pushed some of his hair away. "What....?" Ven said softly, reaching over and turning on the lamp. He settled back against the head board and took a few deep breaths. Ven could call Vani and tell about his nightmare orrr..... Ven could keep it quite until Vani came home, he was working. Ventus sighed softly reaching over and opening his window a bit. He leaned against the frame and rubbed his temples softly. What kind of nightmare was that, sure Ven had some every once in a while. Oh and suuure he had that same nightmare every once a year. It was like looking into a past or path Ventus had never once followed. The nightmare always starts with a simple phrase that just creeps him out.
"The χ-blade into twenty pieces—seven of light, and thirteen of darkness."
Just Ven didn't understand why it didn't start with that phrase. Instead it ended in an interesting way, the nightmare never had an end before. It's always just kinda stopped after the word "Shattered" but instead it was like it continued. Ven shivered and climbed out of bed, rubbing his arms. He was freaking himself out, maybe he should just get some tea. Ven tried to think of other things, like the two big Donald and Goofy Tsum Tsum's on the floor. Maybe even the occasional appearance of the flood that lived their. No matter how hard Ven tried it never worked. The nightmare always came back, the sight of his family.... dead. The sight of true utter loneliness, anger, coldness, hatred, emotional, sadness, darkness, emptiness, ...being Shattered. Ventus stopped dead in his tracks, his heart hammering loudly in his chest. Ven's eyes started to slightly water with fear and ever other negative emotion he could think of. Ven forgot about making tea at this point. The blond ran up the stairs, and disappeared into Sora's room, Roxas' and his. When he retrieved what he wanted he made a beeline for Vanitas' room. When he opened the door Ven turned on the Black lamp in the room and jumped on the bed. Ven then proceeded to crawl under the covers and snuggle into the pillows. He set the two snuggle pillows that belong to Roxas and Sora next to him. Roxas' pillow was a cross charm, Sora's was paopu fruit. Ven finally burrito wrapped himself in Vani's blanket, staring at the wall. He yawned softly and slowly fell asleep.
The light turned on and in entered Vani. The ravenette paused and sighed softly, leaving to go sleep in Ventus' room.

Finally I'm posting took me three days to figure something out about that dream thing. Anyway enjoy!
Word Count: 755

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