Tsum problems

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(Not a rewrite!)

The first problem happened in the morning. Sora was putting his books in his locker when it fell. "Squeak!" Sora jumped and looked down "wha- Donald! No!" He shouted as the Donald Tsum hopped down the hall. Sora dropped his bag and took off after it, at least he tried, the bell rung. It took all school day for Sora to finally find it. "Finally"
The second instance was when Ventus was cleaning at home. Ven has a day off from both work and school, he decided to clean. He was currently vacuuming when his stopped. "What the?" He mumbled looking at the bottom of it. In front of Ven's face was the backside and a brand new Tsum. "Oh!" He shouted, grabbing the butt of it and pulling it out. "Are you okay Daisy? I'm sorry I didn't see you there" he said laughing sheepishly. "Squeak! Squeak." The Tsum said sternly. Ven nodded and saluted "right!" Time to get back to cleaning.
The third was when another brand new Tsum, snuck onto the train with Roxas. Roxas and Hayner where going to Daybreak, he had a whole day planned. "Hey Roxas! Hand me a water, please" Hayner asked. Roxas nodded "Sure!" He said opening the bag to get it. However when he pulled it out, Riku Tsum also jumped out. "Mommy look a Tsum" a little girl said, Roxas looked over and smiled. The girl was pointing at Roxas' feet. Roxas looked down and freaked "R-Riku Tsum!" He shouted. The Tsum took one look at Roxas and ran(hopped?)down the train car. Roxas stood up quickly "Oi!" He shouted handing Hayner the bag. "Not even here and he's causing problems!" He cried out, chasing the Tsum. Roxas searched high and low for the sliver haired Tsum. "How did he end up with me, he not even mine" he mumbled. Roxas shot up and grew quite trying to stretch his hearing. "Squeak!" "Look mommy He asked for someone named Sora Tsum!" A little girls voice, Roxas go up from the floor and looked around. "Squeak, Squeak?" "Hehe now he's asking for someone with blonde hair!" "Sweetie their are a lot of people with blonde hair" Her mother said. Roxas ran to the end of the train where he heard the voices. "Squeak Squeak" "Its a Boy! And he has blonde brown hair mommy!" The little girl shouted. "Oh then he right their dear" her mother replied pointing at the closer form of Roxas. He slowed down and smiled holding his hand out. "May I have him back?" He asked, the little girl looked at her mom before nodding and handing it back. "Thank you" He said turning around and squeezing the life out of the Tsum. "You pain in my-"
The last instance was actually when Vanitas was coming home from another late night. The noir haired male was taking off his shoes when he heard it. A Squeak. Vani shook his head, they didn't have rats right? He asked himself, Vani poked his head into the kitchen and looked around. "No..." he said softly, Vani turned back around and climbed the stairs. Another Squeak. Another turn. "Uh" he trailed off, before opening his bedroom door. Ven was sleeping on the other side of the bed, Vani ignored him. "Squeak" Vani looked up from getting into something comfortable. "Squeak Squeak" What the hearts? "Thunk!" "Squeak! Squeak!" Vani walked over to the closet and opened the door. A ton of mini Tsum's ran out and into the hall. Vani blinked and groaned loudly, climbing into bed with Ven. "Stupid Tsum's!" He hissed.
The next morning they were still active. Sora groaned pulling himself out of bed slowly. The Tsum's took refuge in Vani's room and when he came home, in the hall. Sora rubbed his eyes tiredly and looked up at Roxas opened his door. "What's with the Tsum party?" "Dunno. I think Vani kicked them out" Sora yawned and scratched his belly. Roxas shrugged and they both went to the older's room. Sora was gonna knock, but Roxas just opened in. Laying in bed were Ven and Vani, Roxas and Sora shared a look. "Join 'em?" "Yup" Sora closed the door and crawled in next to Ven and Roxas crawled in next Vani. The Tsum's finally grew tired and made their ways to their respective owners rooms.

Hope you enjoyed~
Word Count: 738

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