Bus route

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Roxas slammed his hands down on the table. "What!?" He shouted, Sora looked slightly horrified at what Vani just explained. "They finally set the bus route here" he said, Ven smiled softly "Ya'll are going to start taking the bus" he finished for Vanitas. "No way" Roxas said sitting back down, Sora piped up after pushing his food around. "Why do we have to?" Ven and Vani shared at look, Ven spoke first. "Look I'm gonna be busy working, and I'm working early shifts" he said. "I have to get in early for work in general" Vani shrugged. Sora and Roxas shared a looked and both sighed in defeat. "Fine" they said in unison. "Who's turn is it to wash the dishes" Vani said standing up. Sora and Roxas pointed at each other, Ven laughed and Vani sighed. "Forget it! Go to bed" He said.


Sora and Roxas sighed as the walked towards the bus stop. "So Lea told me that the bus is chaos!" Roxas blabbered. Sora swallowed thickly "Really?" "Yeah!" Roxas continued talking all the way to the stop, and was shocked to see both Lea and Ienzo. Roxas ran over and Sora walked "You guys take the bus!" Lea laughed. He patted Roxas on the back, Ienzo turned away. Sora walked over and waved "Hey guys" he said quietly. Lea frowned and put his hand on Sora's shoulder. "You okay?" He asked, Roxas slumped "We have to take the bus" he whined. Lea froze and then started laughing "It's absolute chaos! The bus driver has no control over the kids" he shrugged. The bus pulled up and honked, Lea and Ienzo walked over "Come on it'll be fun!" Lea called over his shoulder. Sora and Roxas looked at each other, before grabbing each other's hand and walking over. When they entered the bus they sat behind Lea and Ienzo. Ienzo was reading a book, his legs stretched out in the isle. Lea was standing up talking to another kid in front of them. Roxas and Sora shared another look before jumping slightly in their seat. Someone just threw a water jug! A freaking water jug! Roxas shielded Sora from getting hit, as the jug hit Roxas in the stomach and bounced off. Roxas doubled in pain "SORRY!" Said a voice, the bus howled in laugher. Sora put his hands on Roxas' shoulders "Are you okay!?" "Yeah I'm fine Sora" Roxas said. The kid who threw the jug of water stood up and walked down the isle. He stopped in front of roxas "Sorry dude," "SIT DOWN!" "All right! hold you pants Ms!" Roxas scooted back, shielding Sora once again. "Oh! Hey you're Roxas" he said casually. Suddenly the bus came to a harsh stop the the boy flew down the isle. The bus once again howled in laughter, at the fallen kid. Roxas swallowed and looked back at Sora. Lea leaned over the seat "Don't get to excited!" Roxas glared "This is just the second stop, the next one is better!" He turned around again. Roxas squeezed Sora's hand "I'm gonna call Vani" he muttered. Sora nodded and looked up as the third stop loaded on. There was a whole domino affect due to Ienzo's out stretched legs. The bus kids laughed and some of them stood up at shout at Ienzo. "GOOD JOB DUDE!" Roxas successfully called Vani and was about to tell him to come get them. When he dropped his phone "AH! NO!" He shouted, reaching for it. Sora froze and turned pale, there went their only hope. "Sora did you bring your phone!" "No! I left it charging on the my night stand!" "Dang it!" Roxas shouted. Sora sat up slightly to look over the seat when a knife flew past his face. He gasped and sat back down "Who the heck throws a knife!?" He said. Roxas looked over and stood up turning round to face the back. "WHO THE HEARTLESS THREW THAT KNIFE!" The bus went quite then pointed to a kid in the back. "YOUR DEAD!" The boy squeaked and sunk in his seat. Roxas slid out from their spot and made his way to the back. "YOUR DEAD MEAT FOR ALMOST KILLING MY BROTHER!!" "PLEASE HAVE MERCY!" A loud cry was heard and cheering from the back. Sora looked over behind the seat and gasped softly. "Oooh!" The back said in unison. Sora sat back down and shook his head furiously. "GET US OFF THIS BUS!" "AHH!" "DAMN NOBODY!!" "OOH!" "That's gotta hurt, man"


'Click' The call ended. "Sir?" "Naminé, please have the car pulled around" "Yes sir!" 'Bam!' "Mr. Vanitas! Where are you-" "This meeting is canceled, we'll pick up where we left off next week" "Sir! We've been planning this meet with you for three months!" "I'm sorry then Mrs, Yukine" Vani grabbed the door knob and turned around slightly "Looks like you'll have to plan another meeting" he said slamming the door behind him. "Naminé call Ventus please and tell him about the bus, oh and search the bus's route" "Of course!" "One job, One Job! Survive the bus until the end of the day!" Vani rubbed his temples and sighed. "Oathkeeper High!" He said to the driver.

Sorry for being really late with the update! I had to find inspiration, so why not on my bus?
Word Count: 895

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