Little Xion

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IM SORRY!! I missed my deadline and the 400 mark!! Here's an extra long story, some things came up so I couldn't update the book. But I had been planing this for a long time! I think it finally time in introduce Xion!
"Thanks VenVen!" Said their mother waving. After she found out Vanitas was working, and coming home late. She would visit every so often, now included with, little Xion. Ven frowned "Mom-!" The car door slammed shut and she was gone. Xion hugged Ven's leg as Sora and Roxas walked though the gate. "Who's this Ven?" Roxas asked putting his phone down. Xion's grip tightened and Ven frowned deeper. "This is our cousin Xion" he said patting her head and getting down to her level. He waved his hand toward the boys and introduced them. "That's Sora and Roxas" He said, Xion waved shyly. Sora waved back a big smile on his face. Ven ushered them inside and closed the door, leaning against it. "Does Vani know?" "No, we take care of her and hope mom comes to pick her up before he gets home!" Ven said nervously. Sora frowned "Uh ven, you know we didn't walk home, right" Sora said looking at Roxas. Ven paled "W-What?" "Yeah we didn't walk home Vani dropped us off before he left to the store." Roxas slowly explained. "Oh my stars" Ven whispered. Xion looked scared at Ven's stricken expression. Roxas and Sora shared a look and temped her with a movie. "Xion you wanna watch a movie with us?" Roxas asked, she tilted her head to the side. Sora smiled and grabbed her hand "Have you seen Incredibles 2 yet?" Xion frantically shook her head. Soda smiled and hauled her off to the living room. "Let's go watch it then!" Xion giggled as she was pulled off. Roxas looked at Ven "When Vani gets back, keep him distracted" Ven nodded slowly. Roxas moved back watching it sink in, before he turned and walked into the living room. Ven sat up and entered the kitchen, before Vani gets home might as well make more work for him. He started rearranging items, and listing them off.
Ven smiled, might as well send Vanitas to the meat market. He picked up the house phone, looking into the living room before dialing Vani. "Hello?" "Vani, it's me" "uh-huh" "There's a few things we need" "Like what?" "Uhhhh meat, milk, sweets, and bread..." "I know Ven" "Y-You do?" "Yeah- why are you stuttering? You don't stutter anymore?" "Uhhhh it cold!!" "Then turn the a.c off...?" "Right! Okay bye then!" "Bye-". Ven slammed the phone down, he looked over at stared at Roxas. "You think he noticed?" Roxas nodded slowly, his eyes wide. Clearly it meant that Vani probably figured out something is up. Ven sighed leaning on the wall, Roxas disappeared upstairs. Ven frowned and stared at his feet before a ring went off. Ven shot up and looked at the house phone, it wasn't coming from up stairs, yet.... Oh No. Ven dashed into the living room, just in time to see Xion answer the phone. "Hwllo?" Ven bit his nails. "Nuh-uh" He took a slight step toward her. "Oh? Thsh ish Xion!" Ven froze, suddenly Xion screamed and threw the phone. Ven ran over and wrapped his arms around her. "Xion what's wrong!?" "Scary!" Ven looked over to the phone, stood and walked over. He swallowed thickly before picking up the phone and putting it to his ear. "H-Hello?" "Ventus." Ven felt like fainting, It was Vani! "Van-" "Save it" "But-" "Save.It." "....." "I'm coming home, that phone better be fine and Xion better be gone." "Vanitas come on-" "No!" Ven flinched "I will not have that child in the house" "Vanitas! She's our cousin!" "You will listen to me Ventus" Ven opened his mouth but froze when he saw Sora and Roxas. In their arms were unversed, it was clear Vani was losing his cool. "Now call that witch and take Xion back, give her some candy to" Ven blinked "why candy?" "I made her cry didn't I?" Ven nodded, then noticed he couldn't see him. "Yeah okay....Gone before you?" "Yeah" "Bye-" Vani hung up. Ven looked back over at the unversed, the seemed to have calm down. However they weren't going away, Vani is still peeved. Ven sighed "let's clean up, I'm gonna call mom" Roxas and Sora nodded. Ven walked back over to the phone and picked it up. He took a deep breath before dialing his mom's phone. "Hello?" "Mom?" "Ventus! What's up sport?" Ven immediately hissed. "You" "yes yes, me, you're mothers busy hiding right now, so she-" "What!?" "Hiding, you do know what that mean right?" "Hiding from what?" "More like who" "WH- Ah! Vani!" "Bingo, look kid I have to hang up, I hope you're having fun with Xion!" "No! You need-" "she might be stuck will you for a week" "A week?!" "Bye" "Wait!" Beeeeep
Ven slowly put the phone down, just as the door opened. Ven looked over and noticed little unversed carrying the bags in. Then Vanitas, they stared for a minute before Ven ran. "VENTUS!!" "IM SORRY!" "YOU IDIOT!" "ARGH!"
Roxas looked up and walked out of the living room. He paused as he watched rows of unverse bring the groceries in. He looked over and moved back. Sprawled out on the floor was Ventus, he was out cold. Roxas immediately retreated to the living room, only for Sora to be out cold as well. He knew what Vanitas was doing, he was taking them out one by one. "Vani! I know you're home! And I know what you're trying to do!" Roxas shouted. Suddenly a sharp pain blossomed on his head and he was out. Vani hit the floor gracefully as his eyes landed and a little bundle of black. He stalked over quietly and reached for the blanket. "Xion" "Gah!" She started scuttling away. He towered over her before holding his hand out. A smirk grew on his face, as she shakily reached for his hand.
Ven shot up from the stairs and turned around "Vani!?" "Shhhh" Ven blinked as he saw Sora rubbing his head. Roxas appeared and pointed into the kitchen. Ven joined the two and spared a look in. Vani stood at the stove cooking dinner while Xion sat at the table scribbling in a coloring book. Something cold dumped into Sora's leg making him cry out. Without Vani looking over he waved his hand in "Dinner's almost done. Sora, Roxas clean up, Ven set the table and take Xion to clean up to" Vani said turning to drain the vegetables. Sora and Roxas climbed up the stairs as Ven slowly walked over. He picked up Xion and her colors, his eyes never leaving Vani's figure. Ven slowly made his way towards the stairs before Vani turned to him. "We'll talk later" Ven nodded before walking up to clean Xion up. When Ven finished he ventured down the stairs. Roxas was setting the table, since Ven forgot, while Sora whined about the vegetables.Vani rolled his eyes, scooping a ton of veggies on Sora's plate. Sora pushed his plate away a glare on his face, Ven walked in and set Xion back in her spot. Vani placed the food in the middle and gave Ven a look. Ven finally sat down and blinked before serving himself. The entire time eyeing Vani. "Gah! HEY!" "Wasn't me!" "It was Xion" Ven laughed and shook his head. "Don't make me take you both out" Vani threatened. Sora and Roxas frowned "That's unfair though! Xion's still a baby!" "Guys she's four" "Meaning she's old enough" "Vanitas" "okay okay, geez" "old enough for what?" Roxas said. "Getting a good knock out" Vani grumbled. Ven shook his head. "I said no, Vanitas" "Yeah Yeah I know"

About the movies, I always thought they could have the movie even before it was released!
Word Count: 1,340

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