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Vanitas always took medicine to make sure he never lost his mind. Is Vanitas insane? Yes. Is he someone who needs help? Yes. A few years after Vanitas turned four he was immediately put on medication. This medicine helped with his psychotic personality. Last month Vanitas got a refill, but thanks to a few problems, he forgot. The first sign was staying up all night. Lately due to Ven's nightmares he's been sleeping in Vani's bed. When the blonde turned over he noticed the lamp was on. He propped himself up a bit and looked at the figure of Vani. The noirette was siting at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. Ven reached over and poked Vani in the side, when Vani turned his eyes were dilated. Another sign of his mental health. Ven didn't notice "Vani? What's wrong?" He mumbled out, Vani leaned over and patted the blonde's head. "Go back to sleep"
Another sign was the appearance of the unversed. Sora bumped into one and yelled when it tripped him. "Vani!! The flood tripped me!" The noirette looked down at Sora before looking away, expressionless. That was another sign, yet nobody caught it. Another sign was disappearance, he disappeared for days. It honestly worried Ven to the point of calling their mother. "Hello?" Came a female voice. "Mom? It's me Ventus" "VenVen!" Their mother squealed, happily. Ven smiled and sat on the couch, phone in hand. "Hey, I have a question" "Oh what is it?" "It's about Vanitas" "Oh" "Somethings wrong with him lately, he's staying up all night, disappearing for days. Oh and the unversed are popping up more then usual and their more aggressive." He said in one breath. Their mother was quite on the other end before shakily responding. "Talk to your father" and she hung up. Ven stared at his phone before standing up and walking to the kitchen. One rule that still stands in the house even after Ven and Roxas. Never call Father. That was the rule, and Ven was about to break it.
A lone figure stood on top of a hill, a group of unversed behind this figure. The figure turned around to face the group a smile on his face. "Well what are you idiots waiting for?! GO!" The man pointed and the unversed ran. "Go and tear that castle down!"
"Ah Ventus" Said an old voice on the other line. "Dad.... it's Vanitas" the man grew quite before answering. "What is it?" "He's gone, he doesn't come home anymore! The unversed, who are currently leaving, are aggressive and in numbers-" "Ventus! Is Vanitas taking his medication?" He father interrupted. "Medication?" He echoed, their father groaned. "He didn't tell you? Ugh don't worry about it Ventus, I'll call you back with news"
That was the last thing said before the news. It was horrible when Ventus witnessed the fires and torn buildings far from the T.V. He stopped taking Sora and Roxas go to school, Vanitas had completely stopped showing up. Ven didn't know why. Well he found out after sitting on the couch with a cup of Earl Grey in his hand. He was watching over the news when a picture of Vanitas being apprehended showed up. Ven dropped his mug and shouted at the T.V grabbing his phone and calling Xehanort. Roxas and Sora came down in a rush, only to freeze in horror at the sight of Vani. "Ye-" "WHAT THE HECK!" "Ven-" "NO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH VANITAS!" He shouted. Roxas and Sora had leaned over to listen to their conversation. "Vanitas has, no had, to be taken to a mental institution" he said. "N-No" Ven sat down slowly in shock. Vani was locked up. He stood up and tightened his grip on the phone. "Where at" "Uh Norted Inst-" Ven hung up. No way he gonna deal with that anymore then needed. Ven grabbed the keys and turned to the boys. "Let's go."
"Ah you see Mr. Hikari, your brother hasn't had his meds for about a month or two." "We didn't know he was on medication" "Oh well, you see, he has a personality disorder" "disorder?" "Yes, basically if he goes too long without his medicine, it'll open his thoughts and attitude to more, uhhh psychotic-" Ven blocked the lady's voice out. He always knew Vani was a bit.... uh insane? Yes he always knew that, but he thought Vani had changed. He mellowed out A LOT he no longer envied Ventus for his happy life. He was nicer and did a bunch for them, kept them fed and safe, gave them a home. A roof, shelter, that showed that Vanitas cared and loved them. That's what Vanitas was, he wasn't the insane, psychotic older brother their Father and Mother said he was. Vani was different then what they described. "He's right here" Yet when Ventus, Roxas and Sora looked up into the white padded room. It was etched into darkness, unversed sitting awaiting order from a statue like Vanitas. The noirette in question didn't shake back and forth laughing like a madman. No.... He was sitting down between his legs, his head was also down staring at the floor. "He hasn't fallen asleep since he arrived" the nurse said, she continued after getting no response from the boys. "When one of the doctors here watch over him from these cameras it's almost like he knows- Ah look!" She pointed to the feed. Vani was slowly looking over in their direction. His eyes were shining a brilliant gold, the bags more clear on his face. He stared and stared at the camera, almost like he knew they were watching. Vanitas didn't blink, not once, he didn't even twitch. Vani looked like he was searching for something, when it didn't reach him he turned back. And when Vanitas did, he was a statue again, not moving. Not Blinking. Not Twitching. Not Trying To Sleep. He looked dead inside, and Ven knew it. Tears prickled in the corner of Ven's eyes, Sora has already broke down sobbing loudly. Roxas was trying not to cry, but tears still fell. Ven's shoulders started to shake softly, tears falling onto his covered hand. "Oh Stars- Vanitas" Ventus turned away. The nurse led them out, if they stayed longer, even looked at the camera feed. They would have seen a few tears run down Vanitas' expressionless face. His shoulders shaking ever so slightly. Vanitas had felt the pain Ventus felt, the pain of a possible lost loved one. The heart aching pain, Vanitas' shoulders shook violently, a scream escaping his throat. Ven turned back towards the building before turning back to the car. "Let's go home guys"

Geez umm that was a lot more depressing,then I had planned...... ENJOY!
Word Count: 1,139

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