The Big Moment

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They had spent all week planning this, Roxas looked up from his script. Marluxia was currently, talking about opening night. The boys had returned from their break a week ago. The drama club was about to do a play, with the help of the Disney club. Roxas set his paper down and looked at Sora, sitting next to him. The brunette was silently going over his lines, he seemed determined. "Sora, your actually gonna do this?" He asked leaning towards the other. Sora looked up and smiled "Opening night is tomorrow, Rox!" He said standing up. "And? It's nothing special!" Roxas said "But it is Roxas! It is a special, it's our first collab together!" The other cheered before running off, to help someone else. Roxas sighed in slight annoyance before sitting back down. He was a little sour, sure Ven would come, but Vani wouldn't. From what Xehanort told Ven, Vani was still in the mental institution. Roxas looked up as Isa called him over for lines. This day was gonna go by very slow.


Opening night. Sora was one of the dogs just like Roxas, a Dalmatian. Roxas poked his head out from the curtain and looked out at the crowd. Full house is was Isa called it, people were still getting ready and reading lines. Roxas looked back at Sora as his tapped his shoulder. Sora had puppy dog ears on and face paint with a few black dots. He was also wearing white pants and a shirt with blacks dots on them. "Roxas you look great!" "I'm dressed the same as you" "Did you see Ven?" He dropped the subject, Roxas looked back out. "Uh..." he searched the crowd for a tuff of upward blonde hair. "Uhhh" Sora pokes his head out next to him also looking. "Did you look at the upper seats?" "Upper seats?" he asked, Sora smiled and pointed up to the catwalk. "It's so full, some people went to the catwalk" he said, laughing, Roxas looked up moments after and searched up and down for the sight of Ven. After about a few minutes he finally spotted the other. He was waving at Roxas and Sora, a big smile on his face. Roxas turned away just as Sora was putting on the finishing touch to his costume. Sora smiled and patted Roxas on the arm "We're starting soon!" He said happily. "I'm missing a Dalmatian!" Isa shouted, Sora ran over to help. Roxas groaned loudly and let go of the curtain. "I'm right here" "Oh, well put your collar on and get ready, we're about to start." "Okay" he reluctantly put the red collar on. Isa looked out to the cast and pointed to the stage. "Alright! Let's do this!" "Yes Sir!" They said in unison.


"Horace!" "Jasper!" The two goons said, fighting back Pongo and Perdita. They stumbled and fought, before Sgt. Tibbs led the pups out. Their fighting came to a stop, when the two threw the goons into the wall. A bit of props fell over them, then a body. They weren't dead but they were unconscious, the actors, looked at each other confused. The curtains slid to a close and the audience started to talk lowly. Ventus who was in the crowd, looked a bit worried. He shifted in his spot before the curtains opened. One of the actors were standing on the stage, they cleared their throat before something fell. Everyone's attention turned to the source of noise, a female stood there. She looked very familiar to Ven, blonde hair over the shoulder. Blue eyes, pale skin, and a white dress on, She almost looked like. "Steriz-" "Namine!" Ven turned to the voice, Kairi was waving excitedly at the blonde. Namine nervously waved back a sheepish smile on her face. She made her way towards Ven, spouting apologizes. Ven turned away from her as she sat down next to him. "Ah sorry" "Namine you do know the play is almost over right?" He said, Namine laughed sheepishly. "I know, but I just had to bring- Oh!" She slapped a hand over her mouth looking at Ven with shock. "Uh, bring what?" He asked, giving her a worried look. Namine laughed and waved her hand "Ahaha! Just forget I said anything" she said, clearly nervous. Ven turned back to the stage, looking at her from the corner of his eye. "Okay Namine" He said softly, looking up as the curtains opened again. The next part after the fight was gonna to begin. Any mess, bodies or even props were no longer on the stage.


The play was coming to a happy end, at least it was before something happened. At first it was a loud noise that distracted both actors and audience. Namine tensed up and looked around both worried and shocked. Ven was about to interrogate her on the source, since it seemed she knew. However a loud scream pierced the confusion. The audience and actors looked around for the source of scream, when someone hit the stage. "What the heck!" "Holy cow! Are you okay man!?" Ven stood up to look over the sea of heads and he froze, shocked. Namine stood up immediately. "I'm sooooo Sorry Ventus!!" She cried out, looking at the blonde. "N-Namine, What are you sorry for?" He asked looking back at her. She played with her hair nervously, chewing on her lip. She was clearly holding something back, her eyes looked from Ventus to somewhere else. "Namine. What are you sorry for?" He asked again, a bit more sternly. Namine finally broke, she cried out dropping her hands to her sides. "Xehanort had me go to the mental institution and pull Vanitas out!" She said. Ven opened his mouth to say something, but she continued. "He had the doctors call him, with a few words and probably threats they agreed to release Vanitas! Not without meds of course!" She looked down at her feet, shaking slightly. "So Vanitas took some meds, I took him to the house, he got dressed and asked where ya'll all were at!" Ven reached over and placed his hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled nervously "So I told him at the school doing a play!" She went back to playing with her hair. Ven crossed his arms and looked towards the stage. "We arrived before the play started, but in the middle of it before the fight scene, Vanitas disappeared" she said, Ven snapped his attention back to her. "You lost him!" He asked, she laughed and nodded furiously. "I did!" "Oh my- one job! That's all you had one job!" "I know!" The two continued their yelling, not paying attention to those on stage or in the front. Somebody jumped down from the top of the stage, he was shaking the person who fell. Since this man jumped down, he shifted the stage rack or bridge. It shook before four cans of paint fell down. There was Yellow, Red, Purple, And Green. The green hit first and splattered some of the actors. Then the purple fell and landed the paint shot up and showered a few more actors. The yellow landed on someone's head and knocked them cold. The last one Red hit the ground the same time the unconscious actor did and splattered the audience. Everyone was quite, even Ven and Namine stopped their bickering. The man who dropped on the pain fully stood up. He looked out at the crowd before raising his hand. "Ah- Sorry" He said, Roxas and Sora pushed their way onto stage and gasped. "V-Vani!?" The noirette turned at the sound of his name and smiled. "Hey Rox, Sora!" He held his arms out, a smirk on his face. "I made it!" The two ran over and tackled him, the three laughing. Ven clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth.
"Aw, Stars"


"Did ya' have to hit so hard!" "Yes I did!" The two continued to bicker as Vanitas tried to drive. Roxas was typing away on his phone, laughing as the paint fell around the audience and actors. Sora was humming the 'Cruella De Vil' song, and looking out the window. The car to a harsh stop, but that didn't stop the boys from lose focus of what they were doing. Roxas continued to be on his phone, Sora continued to hum, and the other two continued to fight. They were finally pulled out of their own world when a honk and a man forced their way by. "GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD J******!" Vani came to another harsh stop. "What did that scrub say?" "Vani! Let's just go home!" "Ugh you win"

Oof anyway how do you like this one?? I worked hard on it! I wanted it to come out on the release of K.H 3 butttttt yeah. Anyway sorry it took so long, I needed to plan and I have writers block anyway.
Word Count: 1,503

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