Sick and over dramaic brothers

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"ARGHHHH!" A shout was heard up stairs. Ven looked over at Vani, who looked up from his coffee. Ven placed the spatula down and wiped his hands. "Roxas, Sora what's going on up there?" "Maybe they finally cracked?" "VANI!" "Maybe not who knows?" Vani replied shrugging his shoulders. Suddenly Roxas hit the floor, after tripping over his own feet that is. "VEN!! Sora SNEEZED on me!" "What?!" "Ven, he just-" "I don't want you're sass Vani!" "Hehe" "Ventus he freaking sneezed on me! I'm gonna get sick!!" "It was just-" "NO it wasn't!" Ven sighed as Roxas went off, walking over to the sink and furiously washing his hands and face. Sora suddenly stumbled down stairs. Ven took a step back and frowned. Sora was flushed and probably sweating, he was breathing heavily and stumbling around. Ven walked over and grabbed Sora's arm "Sora? Are you okay?" He asked pulling Sora back up the stairs. Sora sniffed and nodded his head, only to sneeze in the crook of his arm. Ven sighed and continued to pull Sora up the stairs and into his room. "Sora you're sick, you are not going to school today, got it." Ven said helping Sora undress before lightly pushing him to the bed. Sora nodded before closing his eyes and slipping into unconsciousness. Ven strode out of his room and started back toward the stairs. Vani was waiting at the door, until he saw ven, he looked over. "I'm off-" "take a sick day" "why?" "Sora needs you, I have to take Rox to school" "You'll be home all day Ven, I have to work" Vani crosses his arms. "No I won't be, I'm gonna be helping Terra and Aqua move" Ven argued back. Vani sighed, clearly defeated. "Fine" he hissed, Ven smiled and gave Vani a quick hug before walking out the door, Roxas tailing behind him. "Take good care of him!" Ven called back. Vani waved his hand "Yeah yeah!" Vanitas slammed the door and looked around. Where was the stupid house phone when you need it? "V-Vanitas!?" Vani froze, that was Sora calling for him, he sighed, work would have to wait. "Hold you're stars I'm coming Sora!" He called.

With Ventus

"Ven if I get sick, send me away!" "Roxas you're not gonna die if you get a cold" "Yes! I will! Vani will make fun of me!" "No he won't" "Yes he will, trust me he always does!" "I'm sure he doesn't" Ven rolled his eyes in annoyance, this argument was getting no where. Ven turned the corner and pulled into the school parking lot. "Just-... have a good day Roxas!" "I will, bye Ven!" Ven waved and pulled out. It was time to help Aqua and Terra.

Later that day

Ven pulled into the driveway looking at Roxas, he shook his head and made a throat slice at his neck. Ven walked over to the door then froze before entering. It was quite WAY to quite. Ven slowly unlocked and opened the door. As he stepped in and turned on the light a sneeze came from up stairs. Ven started up the steps a frown on his face. Did Vani leave Sora all alone? No Vani wouldn't do that! Ven pushed Sora's door open and froze in shock. Laying in bed next to Sora was Vani, he looked dead tired. Ven ran over and shook Vani. "Vanitas!" "Shuddap" "huh?" Vani, popped open an eye and sniffed, then it clicked. "You're sick?" "Yup" "....I'll call the doctor" "haha" Ven closed the door softly and sighed. Unbelievable he leaves Vani alone with Sora for a few hours and he's already dying of a sore throat. Sigh.... It was hard being the one down to earth. Yet he still loved them, even if they were over dramatic and, or sick.

I wonder should I turn this into a book? Like not a dribble I mean a real book? With like everyone, okay not everyone but just the ones we know?....hmmm I'll think more about it.

Word Count:678

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