Winter break

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"No freaking way!" Roxas shouted. Sora and Vanitas had just left to the store and Roxas just found out. "Rox! What's wrong?" Ven said closing the door behind him. Roxas looked at him and held up the paper "Did you know about this!?" He asked. Ven took the paper from him and read over, he laughed. "Yeah" "Why didn't you tell me!" He cried out. Ven shook his head and laughed again, hanging his bag by the door. "Roxas, I don't even think Sora knows" he said softly. "He doesn't! Then I have to tell him!" "Just deal with it a bit longer Rox, you only have a week left of school then Christmas" he said. Roxas screamed and Ven jumped "WE'VE ALREADY DONE HALF A MONTH!" He shouted. Ven nodded, slowly removing his uniform tie. "Yeah.... you didn't know?" "NO!" Roxas shouted grabbing Ven's shoulders, he shook his violently. "You knew this and didn't freaking tell me!" He repeated. Roxas let go of Ven and stomped upstairs. Ven continued to removed his school uniform, he didn't go to the same school as the boys. "Uhm" he mumbled.


Vanitas closed the door behind him. Sora already putting the food away. "Ventus! Roxas!" He called, Roxas leaned over the railing on the second floor. "VANITAS!" He shouted, basically jumping from the second floor, Vani jumped. "Roxas what do you-" "SAVE IT! You didn't tell me we had a short break!" Roxas hissed. Vani blinked and laughed, almost manically "I though you did, school was supposed to tell every student" he said, a smile on his face. Vani's expression changed very quickly, he narrowed his eyes at Roxas. "Did you know? Oh wait I know! You.Skipped.Class." Vani said very slowly, a smiling coming to his face. Roxas swallowed and nodded his head "I may have..." "See how hard was that!" He said patting Roxas on the shoulder, before disappearing to the kitchen. Ven came down a paper in hand "Really Roxas?" He asked. Roxas frowned and scratched his head before joining the rest in the kitchen. "Vani I need you to sign this" Ven said giving Vani a slip of paper "Field trip? Aren't you in college?" He asked handing Sora a can of beans. Vani took the paper and read over it, before holding his hand out. "Pen" "Oh, here" "Thanks" Vani bent down and scribbled on the paper before handing it back. "Wait how much money did it say you needed?" He asked, pulling out his wallet. "Ah, no I'll cover my own expenses, I just need you to sign!" Vani nodded and put his wallet back before helping Sora. Roxas pulled Sora away "Sora! Did you know about the shortened break!" "Yeah" Sora said nodding "Why?" "Why?! Cause I didn't know!" Roxas replied. Sora laughed and patted Roxas on the shoulder. "Oh Rox" "Vani could we stay home the rest of the week?" "Of course, if you still do your work here" he said bluntly. Roxas swallowed thickly "okay!" He said. Ven laughed and closed his finished cabinet "You know you're not gonna do it Roxas" "Yeah,..." "Then you cant stay home!" Vani said. Sora sat on the counter and raised his hand "I will!" "Of course you will Sora" Ven said sitting at the table. "I'm still sad though...." Roxas looked at Vani with puppy eyes. He grunted and sighed "Fine" "Yes!" "Vanitas!" Ven said looking at him. "Ventus!" Vani said back. Roxas sat at the table next to Ven, very happy. He looked at Ven and smiled "Where are you going?" He asked. "One of my professors said we were going to be out of town for the week" he said smiling. "I needed Vani's signature to accept the conditions" Ven put his paper on the table. Sora and Roxas pouted "Why does he get to leave town?" Sora said. Roxas agreed "Yeah! All we go is go the island and back here to Twilight town!" He Roxas pouted "Where are ya'll going!" Ven paused before answering slowly "Daybreak town" he muttered. Roxas glared at Vani "DAYBREAK! You heard him!" He said loudly. Vani sighed "Next time! Okay Roxas, Next time!"

I'm writing this cause three reasons and things.
One! This actually happened with my brother.
Two! I felt like I needed to mention that Ven works and goes to school.
Three! I felt like I needed to mention more worlds, but that's later right?
Word Count: 741

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