Birthday Events

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It's almost March 28th, Sora's birthday, almost 14, and Ven was crazy about it. "It's almost his big day Vani!" Ven said barely missing Vani's tea cup. Vani pushed the cup under the kettle and sighed rubbing his temples. "I get it Ven it's gonna be his big day soon, One, Four?" "Yes Vani!" "Okay, we'll plan something big for him okay, just don't spill the tea okay?" Ven jumped and pulled the kettle back "R-Right!"


Ven spent a lot of time putting Sora's birthday together. He asked Sora what he wanted and he got the small answer of beach party. So when Ven told Vani, he smiled and said he'd handle that. If Ven got Sora, Roxas, and their friends to get out of school. Two days before his birthday, Vani had everyone pack. 'For a LONG week?' He had said. Now here they were at the private beach, that they apparently owned. The kids chose their rooms and ran to the beach. Ven looked over at Vani who had an umbrella in his hands. Ven turned when Vani spared him a look, he couldn't tell since he was wearing sun glasses. Finally after getting caught for the last time, Vani pulled off his sunglasses. "Ven" "Y-Yeah?" "What is it you want" "W-what do you mean?" "Let me guess you wanna know about this beach?" Ven grabbed a fist full and sand and nodded. "OF COURSE I DO!" Vani sighed and smirked. "Who else?" "Wha-" "Our dear ol' Dad~" Vani said turning away from a pale faced Ventus. He was snapped out of his shock when Kairi and Lea came over. A red looking spot started to bloom over Kairi's leg. Lea set her down and dug though the ice chest before pulling out a cold coke can. "What happened?" "Got stung" "By what?" "Jellyfish" "W-What?" Ven looked up and saw the boys trying to put an alive jellyfish in a hole Riku dug up. Sora and Roxas were stumbling over each other, Ienzo was just watching with an unamused face. Ven looked back over at Kairi, she may not have been crying, but she was in pain. A scream was heard from the boys, Vani jolted up and Ven snapped his attention back to the group. Sora was holding back a Roxas who was thrashing in his grip. And Riku was frozen on the spot a horrified look on his face. Ienzo was the source of this chaos, Vanitas shot up off the sand and dashed over. Ven was a bit slow, but quickly caught up. "OH MY HEARTS! IENZO PUT THE THING DOWN!" Vani cried. Ven raced over and grabbed Vani who also reached out for the jellyfish. Ienzo stared at him then dropped it in the hole. Vanitas was pale before pointing to the house "Everyone.Inside.Now." Everyone raced back to the house, except Ienzo.

~Another time skip~

One day left. Ven jumped and smiled as Sora came down. He looked over at Ven an eye brow raised. "Why are you so happy?" "No reason" he replied shaking his hand. Sora turned back around and accepted the syrup being passed around. Ven looked over to Vani who was scolding Ienzo about his trick. Ven smiled and looked at the boys and one girl "We're going out today to check out the town" They cheered. After all they have never been in this part of town. Ven gave a look at Vanitas before leaving with the kids. Vani sighed he knew exactly what he had to do.
Ven smiled at Kairi and Lea, who were also scolding poor Ienzo. He turned from the group for a minute to order a few things they wanted. All of a sudden a laugh, cry was heard. Ven turned(so fast he gave the man backlash? No? Okay) and he paled at sight. Kairi was upside down while Lea jumped trying to hold her up by pushing her hands. Kinda like those dancers or performers. When they do that hand on hand, handstand? Well anyway Kairi had one hand holding up her skirt while the workers stumbled around. Ven froze at the sight while Roxas and Sora looked around for the rope. Ienzo and Riku were shielding Kairi's behind. Now Kairi was laughing while looking like she wanted to cry and die. Ven didn't know what to do, so he fainted, Lea turned around and groaned. There went their somewhat adult sprawled out on the floor. He looked up at Kairi who was trying not to turn red due to blood. He smiled at the girl "It's gunna be okay princess" he said. Kairi sniffled and smiled "It better be Fireboy!" Lea laughed and moved to help her down. They finally lowered her and he set her straight. "Both feet on ground?" "Y-Yeah" "Skirt down?" "Yeah" "Hair okay?" "Yeah!" "Not dizzy?" "Nope!" "Blood's working?" "YEAH!" Kairi cheered fist pumping Lea. Sora and Roxas made a beeline straight to Ventus, who was looking like he was in the afterlife. Ienzo was somewhat holding Riku back from slugging one of the workers. After breaking the guys nose, brushing Kairi's hair and giving water to Ven. The somewhat adult woke up. Ven looked around and sighed softly "Let's head back, Yeah?" The group nodded.
"How'd it go?" "Don't ask" "O-Kay"

~So many time skips~

When Sora came down the stairs everyone cheered for him. Heck he even cheered for himself. "Finally Fourteen Sora!" Riku said patting him on the back. Sora laughed and gave him a thumbs up, Kairi and Lea joined the small group and got to talking. Ienzo was reading on the couch next to Roxas who was making some last touches to Sora's present. Vani brought in a good looking cake and Ven gave Sora his first present. After some games, cake, and presents. Roxas held his out "Here bro!" He said handing it to Sora who sat down and tore the wrapping paper off. Everyone grew quite as Sora's smile fell. Suddenly tears started gathering in his eyes and a smile grew on his face. "Roxas this is the best" Roxas smiled proud of himself. It was a big picture frame, filled to the brim in pictures. Ones of Friends, Siblings, parents, random scenery, and memories. Kairi laughed and pointed at one of the pictures. "Look!" She said, everyone crowded and laughed. A picture of Sora and Roxas side by side, dressed up in characters from a story. Sora was a Keyblade wielder and Roxas was a man, or boy, in a black coat with two different keys. "So cute!" "Oh I remember that!" "Why does Roxas have two?" "Looks a bit like our drama coats right Ienzo?" The group continued to ask questions. Ven looked at Vani who grew quite, he knew something Ven didn't. "So Vanitas" "hm?" "Where did those Keyblades disappear to?" Ven asked Vani froze. He looked at Ven and sighed. "Story for another time" "AW WHAT?"

I was gonna address this on the actual day of March but to far.
1)Lea and Kairi's relationship!
They are the best of friends, thus the nicknames.
2) The events leading to the day!
They were put in so Roxas could make that picture frame thingy.
(I know I made that up dunno what I'm talking about)
3) The Keyblades
Another story for another time!
Word Count: 1,236

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