Robbing The Household

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"Argh!" Sora immediately sat up in pain. He was after all sore from training, Vani and Rox did try to help. They didn't. Ven had apologized repeatedly after hurling Sora off the roof, pretty harshly too. He groaned rolling his shoulder gently. Suddenly a loud clang was heard down stairs. Sora slid out of bed, nobody should be awake it's still nighttime out.

Sora pulled back his curtain and paused. "Full moon..." He looked over to his desk, he stumbled over and looked for a clock, a watch something to tell the time. Another clang was heard, this one not as loud, Sora frowned and opened his door. "Ven?" He whispered quietly, no response, he creeped out of his room and toward Roxas' room. "Rox?" Again no response, he finally made his way to Vani's room. Sora grabbed the knob and stopped, if Vani was barely waking up or if he was already awake, he'd be dead for opening his door. Sora backed up and made his way to the stairs.

"Hello?" He whispered, another thump, then a voice. "Uh boss did you hear that?" "No Nully just hurry up, we still have up stairs." "Right."

Sora backed up and dashed out the hall straight for Roxas' room. He opened the door and closed it shut, waking up Roxas in the process. "Sora? What are you doing?" "Rox! There is someone in the house!" He whispered running over and crawling in bed with him. Roxas made some room and laid back down, laying his arm around Sora's waist with a yawn. "You're just hearing things go to bed" "No Rox I'm serious!!" "Whatever, sleep" "Rox-" "OW!" "Get the hell outta my house!" "AHH!" A series of thumps and muffled screaming was heard.

Roxas jumped up and looked at the door. Sora and Roxas frozen in place. "L-let's go to Ven's room" "Y-Yeah" the boys stood grabbed the blankets and made a mad dash for Ven's room. Ven jumped awake to come face to face with Sora and Roxas. "W-what is going on?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. Sora and Roxas made themselves comfortable on the bed, Sora and Roxas talking at the same time. "There's someone in the house and Vani must've sent the Unversed after them cause he's in the door away and they were screaming and yelling!" They stopped to take a breath, not making much sense, Ven turned and blinked.

Never had Ven seen a tired Vani and never ever would he think, the older would come sleep with them. "Scoot over Ven" he mumbled, Ven scooted over and Vani crawled in with him. Ventus was glad he had a big bed for things just like this, he sighed and laid down getting comfortable as well. "What happened?" "Just Nutter and Nully being a pain" A yawn. "What did you do?" "Mhm sick 'em" he mumbled another yawn and soon he was asleep. Ven turned to the other two and like Vani, they were asleep. He sighed and smiled staring at his ceiling before falling asleep himself.


Word Count:516

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