Our Story

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Quick note before I start!

I read this one spider-man issue when Aunt May was talking to, their dead family members, about how she, like felt about Peter being spider-man. So i came up with this, instead, Ventus telling the story to you the readers! It's my first time writing in this P.O.V so forgive me if it's bad! 

Ventus entered the small cozy cafe, looking around before spotting you. He smiled and walked over, waving slightly. He sat down and brushed the snow from his hair. Ven smiled at you before taking a deep breath. "Good morning! Sorry I took so long, Roxas was giving me a hard time." he said looking away, embarrassed. You smile back and wave him off, telling him it was okay without using words. He sighed softly and smiled at you. "Is their anything you wanna know? How their doing or anything?" he asked softly. You closed you're eyes in thought, letting him order some hot chocolate before asking the long awaited question.

"I wanna know You're Story"

"...okay..." he swallowed thickly before taking another deep breath.

"It was a long time ago"

Flack back (Italic is Ven putting input so you aren't so lost)

Our mother loved us all, however after our mother found out he would abused us, our mother took Roxas and me away. She couldn't bear looking at Vanitas, who looked to much like our father. She also couldn't look Sora in the eyes because he looked to much like Vani... So she left them with that horrible man.

A young beautiful women, with long flowing blond hair, rosy pink lips and lovely blue eyes, rushed out of the house. However this women was not so pretty, behind trailed two young boys, boy sporting their mother's looks and eyes. They had tears in their eyes, the older boy dragging a younger boy off, this boy kicked and screamed, kicking the older boy. The mother roughly grabbed the oldest's hand and tugged hard. The boy cried out and the mother apologized. At the other end of the pathway stood three figures. A blacked wild haired young man with sharp beautiful eyes, stared sternly at the three leaving figures. The boy had his arms wrapped around a younger boy, with wild brown hair, crying loudly, reaching out towards the boys. Behind the boys stood their father, Xehanort, the mans hand was gripping the older boys shoulder. The mother turned, obviously angry. "I cannot believe you!!" the women shouted, she roughly pushed the boys in the car. "KEEP THOSE MISTAKES!" the women shouted horribly. The mother turned, climbing into the car and driving off. The father scoffed and looked at his oldest "Vanitas, get inside you still have you're studies.." the man said before leaving the two lone. The youngest brother sobbed loudly gripping Vanitas' shirt, Vani stared coldly before leading the boy into the house. "I'll make sure you see Roxas again, okay" He said coolly to the boy. The brunette nodded his head, sniffing, he had faith in his brother.


The mother had just arrived at her parents house, after explaining everything, he sent the boys to their temporary room. The brothers sat in on the corner of the bed holding on to each other. The oldest stroked the youngest hair, whispering comforting words, tears of his own sliding down his face. The youngest looked up at his brother rubbing his nose. "Will we ever seem oni-san again?" the boy asked. the oldest was quiet before nodding "Of course" "And Sora?" "Yes him to" The oldest mushed their cheeks together smiling softly. "Vani will come to save us, like he said he would against the monsters" "Really!?" "Yes" "Will it take awhile?" "Yes it will, he has a long way ahead of him" "I can't wait!" "me neither." The boys were soon told to go to bed, The oldest looked out the window to the stars, praying softly.

A few years later~

"Sir!? What happened to you're face?" "....I hit it this morning... on er-- a door knob!" "Sir nothing like a door knob can make a bruise that big." An older Vanitas stood before a secretary that worked at oblivion, as she fused over his face. Vanitas was supporting a nasty bruise the size of a metal bat. He looked away as the young adult, pieced the the pieces together. "Did Master Xehanort do this?" She said sternly. Vanitas' expression darkened and the girl backed up. "I can't let him hurt Sora" he growled. The secretary relaxed then smiled softly "What a nice brother you are" she said softly siting back at her desk. "The master will see you now" She smiled. Vanitas nodded his head and walked to the end of a dark hall. He opened the door, not caring if he interrupted him or not. Xehanort frowned deeply, a familiar look crossing over his expression, the man stood walking over and slamming Vanitas into the door. The man didn't say anything but throw the requested amount of cash. "Go run away Vanitas, prove you can keep them safe. However you know the rule, if i find you, you come to work in my place at oblivion, or others are sent away forever." The old man said before turning away. Vanitas scowled and nodded his head, counting the money, "I know old man, just know this" Xehanort turned slightly raising an eye brow "You.Won't.Get.Them" Vanitas said through gritted teeth. Xehanort laughed "We'll see won't we, son?" "ugh" Vanitas scoffed walking out.

With the money Vanitas had he fought for our custody in court and won. He bought a house far away from our father and mother, and we live there... I know Vani seems like a big jerk, but he cares, people just don't want to see that.

End of Flash back~

Ven jumped slightly smiling sheepishly. "Sorry if it seemed rushed, it looks like we ran outta time" he smiled standing up. He placed some money on the table and gave you a hug, before looking you in the eyes. He was about to say something, before someone or someones busted in. "VEN! I've been honking for hours!!!" cried Roxas his phone in hand, as he raced over to Ven. Vani sighed tiredly, rubbing his temples. "The brat was right, he also.Didn't.Stop" "Who you calling brat!?" "Guys!" Ven smiled at you, gave you a peck on the cheek and turned grabbing Vani and Roxas by the arms as they bickered, Sora following behind them.

A small smile crossed your lips and you faintly spotted black angel wings upon Vanitas' back, curling as if to protect his brothers from the evil of the world. He turned back to you and for a split second you could make out, bruise's, scars and blooded wounds on his face and arms. He gave you a wink, mouthed a quick 'Thank You (Y/N)' and disappeared with is brothers.

Yeah maybe you should get to know this battered and beat angel a bit more, before you think differently about him.

FINALLY! Sorry it was rushed, it's like really late but i still typed this, even though I have a test morning soooo. Anyway the angel wings was my friends idea, so if it's a bit extra i'll remove it, but for now enjoy! Now i'm gonna go cook me a bagel, or two I'm hungry. See ya'll in the next chapter my Hearts!

It's long as hell cuz I've been planing this for a while actually soo I hope it appeases you guys!

See any grammar mistakes, just let me know in the comments and I'll fix it right up!!

Word Count: 1,286

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