A Day with Vanitas

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You took a hesitant step forward, you had watched from your're car across the street. Roxas and Sora had left earlier, leaving with their group of friends, Vanitas seemed to have a day off, since he hasn't left yet. You had climbed out of you're car and walked over to the gate, separating people from the house. You pushed some hair out of your eyes and pushed the gate open, you closed it behind you and slowly made you're way to the door. Now here you were, fixing you're self up a bit, scraping your shoe on the mat, before reaching up and ringing the door bell. It took a few minutes, but the door opened none the less, in front of you stood Vanitas. The jet-black haired man, looked different from when you had last seen him, you heard from Ventus that he worked late, but.... this was worst then what he described. Vanitas seemed to straighten up before giving a nervous, but somehow a psychotic, smile. Vanitas' eyes darted around before finally setting on you're form, he cleared his throat and opened the door a bit more. "Uh... Please don't tell me that uhhhhh 'date' was today?" he said, leading you to the living room. You stared at him for a minute before he groaned and disappeared up the stairs, you sat down on the couch and looked around. The living room was fairly clean, in front of the couch on the wall was a t.v hanging above a long, but small t.v stand. The stand had the cable box and a few trinkets, including a few movies and game stations, included with controllers and games. On the top of the stand was a few framed photo's, to the right of the t.v was a window the curtains were drawn back, letting the sun shine though. The right wall had a movie case, full with different movies, the wall also had a few photo's. Like a very surprising picture of Vanitas in a graduation uniform, a child Sora and Roxas on either side of the older brother, and younger looking Ventus with his arm wrapped around Vanitas' shoulders. You smiled fondly at the photo, before looking to the left wall, a few photos there to, Christmas lights hanging above both the entrances, you looked down where you were seated. A simple black plush couch, pushed against the wall with whitish coffee table in front of the couch, suddenly Vanitas poppped up, looking a lot better then before. The bags under his eyes were gone, including the pale sickly look, he also was dressed a considerably better the before. Vanitas was wearing black skinny jeans, a white button up shirt, and a black whitish coat on that had light grey stripes on the white parts, he also had black shoes and a silver pocket chain. Vanitas sighed and looked at you with a slight sheepish look "Shall we go?" he asked holding up his car keys, you nodded and stood up, grabbing you're bag before leaving the house. He unlocked the car, before closing and locking the house door behind himself. You climbed into the passenger's seat before looking over as Vanitas sat down next to you, starting the car. He pulled out of the driveway and looked at you with a expecting look. "Kingdom Cafe?" He asked, more like said, looking at the road in front of him. You smiled and nodded you're head, Vanitas already knew you're favorite place to eat.


You placed you're menu down after ordering, you're food. You had ordered the Mickey Parfait, included with the Key Graveyard Cake. You looked over Vanitas, expecting him to order something other then plain old coffee. He looked back at you before sighing in defeat. "This, this, and that" he placed the menu down and gave a very hard glare in you're direction. The waiter at the side nodded, took the menus and left to the kitchen, you looked back at the man in front of you and smiled. He sighed again and leaned back in the chair "Why did you ask me to have lunch? You could have asked someone else you know" he muttered, you smirked and stuck you're bottom lip out. "I talked to Ventus and they way he described you was heartbreaking" you said, sarcasm laced in you're voice. Vanitas scoffed and smirked back, however his was a more malice one "Really?" he said, looking out the window next to him. You laughed and looked out onto the busy streets of Twilight Town, you looked back at Vanitas when you noticed him looking at his phone. "Ugh, excuse me I have to take this" he said standing up and leaving to the bathroom, while he left the table the waiter came back with the orders, he set everything down before leaving once again. You ate a bit of your cake, it was chocolate, with white icing and gram crackers on top, not forgetting the cute little key blades decorated on top. You looked up as Vanitas sat back down, he got the same thing he always gets, a black coffee, but this time three Wayfinder Cookies and Sea Salt Ice Cream. Of course he ate the ice cream first, Vanitas looked back at you "So what brings you to town? You normally stay on the island (Y/N)" he said, taking a bite. You stared at you're cake for a bit before looking back at him "Like I said before, Ventus-" "Don't give me that Ventus stuff, seriously why did you come?" he asked again. You already could tell that Vanitas knew why you were here and why you called him to go out to lunch with you, instead of Ventus. You swallowed thickly before looking at you're cake once again, finally you took a deep breath and looked up at him "Well.... You're mom returned" he shrugged his shoulders. "After she arrived.... You're father also showed up" you muttered looking up at him, for his reaction, it went they way you assumed it would. Vanitas slammed his hands on the table and looked out the window, You quickly ate you're cake, you knew this day would be over very soon. However it wasn't, Vanitas took a small sip of his coffee before looking back at you "So how is everyone?" he was surprisingly taking this really...... calmly. You blinked before smiling at him,  explaining everything as of late.


After you're friendly date with Vanitas, he drove back to the house. If was already close to noon, the boys would be back soon and you had a train to catch, you dug you're keys out of your bag before walking back to your car. You and Vanitas still talking back simple things, you climbed in and lowered you're window "Everyone one the island misses ya'll" "I know they do" "Ya'll should come for a visit" "No not with my father there, and plus Sora, Roxas, and Ven have gotten use to the city life" He finished looking over as loud voices came though. You looked down the sidewalk and smiled and the growing figures of the two brothers, Roxas and Sora were wearing Mickey and Minnie Mouse ears. Vanitas sighed in annoyance before looking at you "I also promised to take them to Daybreak" You gasped "I just..... I can't stand the fact of having a Christmas without Ven, Ya'know?" he said before getting off the car. Vanitas jammed a finger at the boys before walking back to the lawn "I have to go, the brats are back" he said shrugging. You rolled up you're window and started your car while looking over to the boys. Roxas and Sora had ran up, shocked to see Vanitas out and about, all the older did was smack them both on the head before walking to the door. Before you disappeared and before he closed the door, Vanitas looked back at you once and smiled, waving his goodbye before closing the door. You drove down the street and sighed in defeat, looks like no Hikari's for Christmas this year, now you just had to break the news to those at the island.


Finally! I mean Yay!! We reached 1K on this book!!! Here's a nice little ok long story! Once again you are featured in it, I also gave a small background and what the living room looks like, also the car you're driving is a rental. Any mistakes point them out! 

Word Count: 1,417

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