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Jon's POV:

After coming back to the hospital with all of the belongings we would need for our short stay, a doctor had began talking my head off right outside of the room Ashland is in currently. I'm not sure exactly what the dude was talking about, but I heard the word 'epidural' get thrown around a few times in his wording. Perhaps that's what they're about to start giving to Ash, however that's just my speculations.

An epidural is something they use for labor patients, that's common knowledge, so I'm not too stupid coming into the LDR tonight. The twins are coming pretty early, which isn't surprising... Ashland was pretty much expecting not to carry them to full-term, so she was actually right, ha.

Me and the doctor went back into the room and he walked over to the bed where Ash was laying in apparent pain from the contractions.

"Miss Craft, how are you feeling? We're going to get an an anesthesiologist to come and give you an epidural and an IV. With that being said, I'm going to get a doctor to come help with that, and then we'll wait. Oh! And you're four centimeters dilated right now, per what the nurse said, so hang in there, Mama!"

Mentally, I rolled my eyes because it's going to be a while considering Ashland is only four centimeters dilated.. Not that I'm mad about it, I just don't want to see Ash in so much pain.. Another thing is that she is deathly afraid of having an emergency c-section because she has a huge fear of any kind of surgery. That, and she hates the thought of being cut open, which is truly understandable.

Ashland whimpered and nodded her head at the doctor, "It hurts.. I don't feel good at all.."

I frowned and then the doctor rushed out of the room to get the anesthesiologist. So then that made only two of us in the hospital room. It's gearing up to be a long night for Ash. I wish there was more that I could do to help, but sadly, there's not much that I can do for her except be here as moral support.

She grabbed ahold of my hand and squeezed at it tightly, "Why does it have to hurt so bad..?"

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed sadly, "I'm sorry, baby girl; maybe the rest of the labor will go by quickly for ya. It kills me to see you in so much pain."

Soon though, the doctor came back with the anesthesiologist he had got. The woman looked to be no taller than five foot. Is this poor woman even going to be able to reach Ashland who's laid up in the hospital bed?

That question soon answered itself because the anesthesiologist had brought a step stool along with her epidural stuff. The little woman even decided to introduce herself to me and Ash.

"Hi, y'all! My name is Leah, I'll be Miss Craft's anesthesiologist today who is doing the epidural. How is y'all's evening so far?" She asked, a smile plastered across her purple glossed lips.

"It's been hectic, so to say," I answered with a small laugh. "I got awoken to Ashland shaking the sh- hell out of me, telling me her water broke and everything. When I tell ya we hauled ass over here, I mean it."

The anesthesiologist laughed at my remark as she then told Ash to lean up in the bed. She obliged and leaned all the way forward. Ashland's hand reached out for mine, in which I took it, squeezing at it lightly.

Leah began injecting the epidural into Ashland's spine, the little grip she had on my hand had soon tightened and a shriek surpassed her lips.

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