Chapter Seven

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Abigail's POVI gasp in horror when Yasmin sits down beside me in math

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Abigail's POV
I gasp in horror when Yasmin sits down beside me in math. "Shit Yas, what happened?" I whisper.

"Tyler hit me," she murmurs.

"What an asshole," I burst out with anger.

"Michael was there thankfully," Yasmin says. "So I hope I don't have to see his face again."

"I never liked him," I admit.

"We were just hooking up," Yasmin says. "He got clingy."

"He is a little bitch," I say. "Always crying about Phoebe taking his place."

"Talking about Phoebe," Yasmin murmurs. "Can we keep this from her?"

"You don't think she's gonna hear about it?" I ask. "Her brother is Michael."

Yasmin sighs. "I just know she's gonna blow."

"Well, he deserves it," I say.

"Michael kicked him off the team," Yasmin says. "And broke his nose."

"I'm starting to like him," I state.

Yasmin smiles a little. "He comforted me afterwards. He smells amazing."

"Oh, I bet," I say.

The class begins and Yasmin and I stop talking. By the end, I had a hand cramp and my brain was fried.

How Carmen has a 4.0 GPA is beyond me.

"I'll see you Friday, if not before then?" Yasmin questions, as we walk out the door.

"Yeah definitely," I say. "Let us know if Tyler's a problem."

She nods and we hug, before going our separate ways. I head up the stairs to the science lab.

I sit down at one of the counters and wait for my next class to begin. "Okay class," Mrs Chilcott says, as she ties her blonde hair up into a ponytail. "As of today, we will finally be doing experiments." Some of the football guys cheer, which makes her roll her eyes. "Okay calm down, lads," she says. "Reports will have to be done with every experiment." They all groan. "Anyway, I have officially selected your partners for the year."

I secretly cross my fingers under the table. Last year I got Ryan and he is as dense as condensed milk.

I could've gotten a B instead of a C- if he helped.

"So Amy is with Chelsea, Ryan with Henry-" Yes! "Talia with Muhammad, Nigel with Jim, Abigail with Damien-"

I stop listening to her. Damien!?

"So let's go sit with our partners!" She cheers.

I hesitantly grab my stuff and make my way over to Damien. "Uh hi."

"Hey Abigail," he says. "Or should I say, partner?"

"Either works fine," I tease.

I take a seat beside him and he clears some of the desks for me. "I'm glad we are partners," he says. "I had Talia last year. Enough said."

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