Chapter Forty Four

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Gracelyn's POVThe guys needed to win this game to make the championships

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Gracelyn's POV
The guys needed to win this game to make the championships. The best chance of winning was with Phoebe and she was back today.

The rest of us were in the stands, along with Damien's mum Brianna and his sister Quinn. I'm so happy she finally realised she was in a bad place.

Damien's dad tried to take her job, but Ross (Logan's dad) moved her to his ward. This is the first time I've seen her at Damien's game actually.

We were on the edge of our seats the whole game. It was now 2 minutes to go in the last quarter. The other team is on their 2nd down and is down by two points.

"Shit," Tess swears as the other team scores a touchdown. "They now have a minute to score."

"That's heaps of time," Yasmin comments.

"Yeah, but it's also heaps of time for them to score another touchdown too," I say.  "They need to waste time."

"Shit I can't watch," Tess croaks.

Michael and Logan set up for the hut. Michael barks at them and then Logan gives him the ball. Michael fakes a pass and then sneaks it off to Phoebe. She starts sprinting down the side and scores a touchdown in 15 seconds.

"Okay," Tess murmurs. "That's doable."

The other team set up and start their 1st down. Doggie ends up tackling them down at the 50 yard line. We all groan as they get the touchdown.

With sixteen seconds left in the game.

"This is exhilarating," Brianna says.

"Here we go," Tess mutters.

It happens if slow-mo. The ball gets snapped and Michael is looking for the pass. They have our team blocked.

Michael just makes a run for it.

We all stand up and start cheering for him. He shoves one guy out of his way and then jumps over another landing in the touchdown.

The buzzer goes off and we all cheer and hug each other excitingly. The boys grab Michael and put him up on their shoulders.

We all rush down to the change rooms and wait for the boys.

Coach walks out first and gives all us girls a nod. He's still so fine.

He freezes on Brianna. "Bree?"

I watch Brianna's face brighten up and a smile take over her face. "Lewis!" They hug and for the first time I see Coach smile.

Woah it makes him hotter.

"How have you been?" Coach murmurs, as they pull away.

"The happiest I've been in a long time," Brianna admits. "I haven't seen you since high school."

"Yeah it's been a while," Coach says. "Are you still with Henry?"

"We are separated," Brianna tells him.

"I'm sorry," Coach says. 

"Don't be," we all say.

"I'm Quinn," Quinn pipes up, tugging on Coach's pants.

"Hey Quinn," Coach says, crouching down  and wincing a little. "You are Aaron and Damien's little sister aren't you?"

"Yep," she answers, smacking her lips together. "They are the best brothers ever."

"I'm sure," Coach laughs. "I think you have the prettiest mum ever."

Brianna blushes and I stare agape.

Coach was flirting with Damien's mum!


Phoebe's POVIt was all cheers in the changing rooms

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Phoebe's POV
It was all cheers in the changing rooms. Michael was the guy and everyone was talking about where we were going to go for drinks.

Jason comes back through the door laughing. "Gracie just told me the best thing," he says. "Coach is flirting with Fergie's mum!"

All the guys start laughing except Damien who scowls. "Coach is gonna fuck Fergie's mum, Coach is gonna fuck Fergie's mum," they all chant.

I laugh shaking my head and start getting changed. Just as I put on my jumper my phone starts ringing.

It was Connor.

"Hey Connor," I say when I answer the phone. "We got into the championships!"

"Phoebe it's time," he says.

I stop short and my breath falters. "What?"

"He's going," Connor says. "You need to get here now."

"Okay, okay," I stammer. I hang up and push through everyone and out the door. I run up to the girls and grab Abby's wrist. "You need to take me to Nathan," I croak.

Abby nods and we race off to her car. She gets me to Kirsty's in ten minutes.

I thank her and then run inside. I drop my bag at the door and go up the stairs to Nathan's room. Kirsty was by his side sobbing uncontrollably and Connor was sitting beside her, crying as well but trying to hide it.

I cross the room to the other side of the bed and clutch Nathan's hand. "Phoebe?" Nathan manages to get out.

"I'm here," I whisper. "I'm here Nathan."

"I love you," he mumbles.

"I love you too," I say, sniffling. "I love you so much."

"Please don't go," Kirsty cries. "I can't lose my baby."

We were all crying and that's all you could hear, as well as Nathan's heartbeat. "Remember when we first met," Nathan mumbles. "You stood out in the crowd that day."

"I remember," I whisper. "I also remember stalking you and coming to all your games."

"Such a stalker," Nathan teases and then starts coughing violently.

"The day I realised I love you, was the day we told Michael about us," I admit. "I wouldn't of never introduced you if we weren't that serious."

"I'm flattered," he croaks. "But Phoebe don't stop living your life once I'm gone."


"I won't be mad if you find love with someone else," he says. "I don't want you to be unhappy."

"I can never be as happy as all our time together," I croak.

The hand I was clutching, squeezes mine. "I will always love you," he says. "And I know you will always love me, but it doesn't mean you can't find love again."

I start sobbing and Nathan's breath starts going erratic. "Nathan?" I question.

His eyes were closed and I rest my head on his chest. His heart was slowing. "He's going," Kirsty croaks.

I've never seen someone die before.

I don't ever want to again.

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