Chapter Twenty Nine

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Gracelyn's POVI am in love with Jason's grandpa

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Gracelyn's POV
I am in love with Jason's grandpa.

He's so cute and funny. 

He's taught me all these card games, my favourite one was crib. Then we all sat down on his couch and drank hot chocolate, watching his favourite movie. Grease.

"I've never watched it," I say.

Troy glares at me. "Jason I don't like her anymore."

Jason laughs, throwing his arm around me. "Just play the movie, pops and we will see if she likes it or not."

Troy grabs the remote and presses play on the movie. Throughout it, I watch Troy as he sings every lyric and mouth every line.

You can tell he's watched this over and over.

"So?" Jason questions.

"I can see the appeal," I say. "But you know this wouldn't hold up in today's universe."

"Oh definitely not," Jason laughs.

"Well I better head to bed," Troy says. "Have to get up early and feed the peacocks."

Peacocks, I know.

"Goodnight pops," Jason says.

"Don't be too loud," Troy says.

"Just take your hearing aid out," Jason remarks.

Troy flips him off and slowly makes his way to his bedroom. "Should we head to bed?" I ask.

"I'm not tired," Jason murmurs. "I thought we could go on a walk."

"Sure," I say. I put on some walking shoes and follow Jason out the door. He takes his hand in mine as we stroll down the quiet street.

He takes me to a park where they have this gigantic tree, that lightened up my pretty fairy lights. "It's pretty amazing at Christmas," Jason murmurs.

"I can imagine," I say.

"They would light it up Christmas Eve," Jason states. "Before pops took me in, my mum used to bring me here."

"Do you still talk to her?" I whisper.

"Now and again," he says. "When she remembers she has a son."

"I'm sorry," I murmur.

He shrugs. "She needs help that she isn't willing to take."

"Have you ever tried to find your dad?" I ask.

"I've asked my mum," he says. "She always got angry every time I asked."

"Does Troy know?"

"My mum does not speak to pops," Jason states. "They had a big fight twenty years ago."

"Twenty years is a long grudge," I say.

"Yeah well when Pop found out about me, he tried to make amends," Jason explains. "My mum was too stubborn."

"I'm guessing your mum wasn't too happy when he took you away from her?" I murmur.

Jason laughs dryly. "She didn't give a rat's ass. One less mouth to feed."

I move to stand in front of Jason and lean up placing a soft kiss on his lips. "We can make it a tradition," I whisper. "We can come here on Christmas Eve."

"Yeah?" He murmurs. His hand comes up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah," I confirm. "Eventually we can bring our kids here."

"You want kids with me?" Jason asks.

"Eventually," I answer. "Once my tattoo parlour is up and running."

Jason smiles. "I like the name, Jolene."

"We will discuss that name," I murmur.


Phoebe's POVI'm so glad I decided to only spend 2 days with my family for Thanksgiving

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Phoebe's POV
I'm so glad I decided to only spend 2 days with my family for Thanksgiving. Michael and dad together were not a good combination.

And with no Gracelyn to back me up, I was just about to wring their necks.

Nathan and I just got to New York to meet his mum. I am very nervous. I've never had to meet a boyfriend's mum before.

I've never had a serious relationship, so it shouldn't be surprising.

A taxi takes us through the city and we stop outside a bakery. Nathan holds the taxi door open for me and we grab our luggage out from the boot. I follow Nathan into the bakery and I hear a squeal in delight.

An older lady, I'd say her late 40s with dark hair in a messy bun runs over to Nathan and chucks her apron off. She wraps her arms around him and squeezes him. "My baby is here," she says.

"Mum," Nathan groans.

She pulls away and glares at him. "I will love you till the day I die, Nathan."

Nathan sighs. "I'm not alone remember?"

Her eyes widen and turn to me. I give her a little shy wave and she walks over to me, surprising me with a hug. "You must be Phoebe," she says. "Connor told me about you since Nathan wouldn't."


"Nice to meet you, Ms Chamberlain," I say.

"I like your manners," she states. "But that's my ex-husband's last name, I'm Ms Brooklyn."

"Shit I'm sorry," I gasp. "Nathan didn't tell me."

"You can call me Kirsty," she says. "I'm guessing he didn't tell you that either."

"Mum," Nathan hisses.

"She has every right to be mad at you," I say. "How could you not tell her about us?"

Kirsty smirks. "I like her."

Nathan rolls his eyes. "We will go unpack."

"While you do that I will close shop," Kirsty says. "Then we can go out for dinner."

"Mum we don't need to go out," Nathan says.

"Nonsense," Kirsty says. "This is the first time you've brought home a girl. This is big!"

Nathan takes me out the back, where we go up a flight of stairs. It looks like Kirsty lives on the top of her bakery.

Nathan puts in the code for the lock and the door opens. The apartment was very elegant and comfy looking. I don't know how they can go together, but it's exactly that.

Nathan leads me through the kitchen and living room to the spare room. We chuck our luggage on the bed and Nathan wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean up kissing him.

Since we were in a house with Michael and dad, we couldn't have sex. Michael's room was just beside mine, so he said he could hear if we did anything.

Nathan took that very seriously.

The Friendship Group (Remade)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن