Chapter Twenty Six

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Gracelyn's POVI didn't leave my room for a couple of days after my episode

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Gracelyn's POV
I didn't leave my room for a couple of days after my episode. I was not ready to face Jason. I knew he was hurt too, cause Phoebe told me he felt bad for putting me in that position.

Jason's such a nice guy. And I'm starting to fall in love with him. I don't even know why he would wanna stay with me once he hears my baggage.

I knew training was this afternoon so I headed down there and waited by the bleachers. Logan and Phoebe were wrestling, while Michael was in a deep discussion with Coach.

I spot Jason with Fergie as they were passing a ball. Fergie says something and Jason gives him a soft smile.

Shit, he is hurting.

I was only waiting for about sixteen minutes when the coach finally yelled at them to get their shit and piss off. I walk down to the changing room entrance and Jason stops short when he sees me. "Gracelyn," he whispers.

"Hi," I whisper. "Can we talk?"

He nods and follows me back up to the bleachers. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm so fucking sorry, Gracelyn."

"You don't have to apologise," I murmur. "You didn't know."

"It fucking scared the shit out of me," he admits. "I didn't know what to do."

"You did the right thing grabbing Mickey," I say.

"I won't rush you like that again," Jason says. "You can always instigate what physical contact we have."

I take his hand in mine. "Jason I'm not fragile."

"Right,' he says. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"I want to tell you about it," I whisper.

Jason turns rigid. "You don't have to tell me if you're not ready, Gracelyn."

"I'm falling in love with you," I say. "I want you to know."

Jason smiles. "I'm falling for you too," he whispers.

I take a deep breath. "So as you know my father was physically abusive," I explain. "Mum tried so hard to make sure he never hit me. But I always got so confused when her face would be bashed in, or she couldn't get out of bed."

Jason bites hard at his bottom lip and squeezes my hand in comfort.

"I was nine when he first hit me," I state. "Just got home from school and I had left my barbies out. He backhanded me and told me to clean it up. Anything else I did wrong, the hits became worse, till my eleventh birthday."

"Fuck," Jason says. Tears were welling in his eyes because they were pouring out of mine.

"He got drunk," I croak. "He had confused my bed for his and mum's and started to touch me. I screamed at him. Told him to stop. He grabbed me by my throat and told me to shut my slutty mouth 'cause I was going to wake Gracelyn up."

Both Jason and I were crying now. He kisses the back of my hand.

"He raped me," I cry. "All I could remember was my mum banging on the door screaming and the pain. So much Jason."

I burst into tears and Jason wraps me in his arms. "I'm so fucking sorry," Jason says. "So sorry."


Phoebe's POV"Are you sure we should do this?" Nathan whispers

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Phoebe's POV
"Are you sure we should do this?" Nathan whispers.

"He's gonna find out eventually," I state. "Plus Yasmin is going to be there."

"That doesn't make me feel better," Nathan mutters.

I squeeze his hand in comfort and pull him towards the changing rooms. I see Yasmin as planned, as she wraps her arms around Michael and kisses him. "Michael," I say.

His eyes turn to me and then they see who I was holding hands with and turn murderous. "Get your hands off her!" He growls.

"Michael calm down," Yasmin says.

"Nathan and I are dating," I say. "We have been for a two weeks now."

Michael pushes Yasmin away gently and storms over to us. He grabs Nathan by the front of his shirt and pulls him closer, so their faces were inches apart. "You have been seeing my sister behind my back," Michael seethes.

Nathan gulps. "I have been in a relationship with your sister behind your back, yes."

Michael grits his teeth. "I don't like you," Michael says. "But Phoebe does, so I will tolerate you two dating. But I swear if you hurt her warn your family that they are never going to find your body."

"Alright," Nathan mutters. Michael lets go of Nathan and turn to me.

"I love you," I say sweetly

"Cut the bullshit," he snaps. "The only reason I'm letting you date is that Yasmin says I need to stop babying you."

"Whipped," I cough.

He flicks my forehead and walks back over to Yasmin. He wraps his arms around her and leans his chin on the top of her head. I nod at her in thanks and she gives me a thumbs up.

She's changed him for the better.

Better for me anyway.

"What are you two doing right now?" Yasmin asks. "Maybe we could all grab dinner?"

"We have no plans," I say, looking at Nathan for confirmation. He nods too.

Michael grunts. "Whatever."

Michael drives us all to Luigini's which is this awesome pizza place where you get it all you can eat for $20.

Nathan paid for both of us and Michael paid for himself and Yasmin.

Yasmin and I purposely sit together so Nathan will have to sit beside Michael. "So Nathan is it true you played at St John's?" Yasmin asks.

"I did," Nathan says.

Michael frowns. "Why the fuck did you leave St Johns for this school? We have a shit soccer team."

"I had a brain tumour," Nathan says.

Michael's eyes widen. "Shit."

"I was sixteen when I was first diagnosed," Nathan says. "I played for a little bit, but then the chemo became too much."

"They didn't let you come back?" Michael asks.

"They weren't there for me during the process, so I decided that myself," Nathan states.

"Sorry you had to go through that," Michael says. "Makes me feel a little less angry about you guys using our field."

"Yeah thanks again for that," Nathan says.

Michael smiles at him. "You're welcome."

Boyfriend and protective older brother getting along?


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