Chapter Eight

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Gracelyn's POVI hear the knock on my door and quickly sanitise my station before going over and opening it

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Gracelyn's POV
I hear the knock on my door and quickly sanitise my station before going over and opening it. I give Jason and shy smile and let him in. He walks into my dorm and plops down on my bed. I shut my door and turn to him awkwardly.

"Wow you have a full-on set up in here," he murmurs. "How long have you been doing this?"

"Two years now," I answer. I walk over to my desk and pop on a pair of gloves. "My mum got me a machine for my sixteenth birthday."

"Nice," he says. "And your arms are your first tattoos?"

"Yeah just some duds," I state. "Got a smiley face there, a heart, then I learnt shade here but it turned out bad, so I went over it once I was better at it."

"Am I the first person your tattooing?" He asks.

"Nope," I answer. "I've tattooed my mum, Beau, Tess and a couple of Michael's friends too."

"Well that puts me at ease a little," he says. "So, where do you want me?"

"On the chair," I state. He gets up off my bed and plops down on my computer chair. He takes off his jumper and I can't help but check out the muscle in his arms.

I grab some cream and start shaving his arm hair off. I then prepare my gun and then grab my stencils. I apply it to his arm and press down on it so the stencil will take on his arm.

I slowly peel it off and tell Jason to take a look. I hold up a mirror and he flexes his arm, twisting it to take a good look. "That's good," he murmurs.

I grab Abby's desk chair and sit down, turning on my gun. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," he mutters.

We are there for a good two and a half hours. I wipe it off the final time and then get Jason to have a look.

"That's fucking awesome," he comments. "Fuck your good."

I blush. "Thanks."

"No seriously Gracelyn," he says. "You are fucking amazing."

"Well you need to take care of it too," I say. "Make sure you put on the cream I gave you, till it's healed. I'm going to wrap it in film and then you will have to wait an hour, before showering. Do not scrub it. Lightly tap."

He nods. "Yep."

I quickly wrap his arm and my eyes widen when he gets his wallet out and grabs $200. "No seriously, don't worry," I say.

"Gracelyn," he says calmly. "I am paying for this."

"No your not," I argue. "I don't need it."

"Well take it and donate it then," Jason says. I glare at him and snatch the notes out of his hand.

"I will."

"I guess I'll see you around," he murmurs.

"I guess," I murmur back.

"I mean unless," he clears his throat awkwardly. "Will you be at the game Saturday?" I nod. "Maybe we could grab dinner after?"

"I'd love that," I say.

He smiles. "It's a date."


Phoebe's POVSo I've been getting to training early the last couple of runs

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Phoebe's POV
So I've been getting to training early the last couple of runs. Not because I wanna prepare or whatever other crock of bullshit people would spew.

I've been watching soccer practice.

Nathan was not kidding. His team sucked. He on the other hand was a god at it. If he could clone, he would have a premiership team.

They run off the field and Nathan makes his way over to me. "Hey Phoebe," he says. "Early again?"

"Yeah, just watching you guys," I say.


"Oh hell no," I reply. "I cannot kick a ball to save my life."

"Thank god you can catch one," he teases. He sits beside me and starts wiping the sweat off his face.

"You look really good out there," I say. I clear my throat awkwardly. "I mean at soccer."

"Thanks," he chuckles. "I watched your game last week. You did pretty well too."

"Oh I always play good against them," I say. "They are very sexist, so it's fun to rub it in their faces that they lost to a girl."

Nathan laughs. "It's fucking 2022, they should get over themselves."

"Right?" I laugh with him.

Someone clears their throat behind us and we both spin around. Ah, shit Michael.

"Isn't practice over, Nathan?" Michael questions with a cold tone.

"It is," Nathan hums. "I was just talking to Phoebe."

"Well Phoebe should be getting ready for her training," Michael growls. "She doesn't need distractions."

I scoff. "Fuck off Michael."

"No it's okay Phoebe," Nathan says. "I'll see you both later."

He runs off and I stand up, glaring at Michael. "What's the matter with you?"

"Why are you talking to him?" Michael questions.

"Cause I can," I snap. "You want me to be on my knees sucking his dick instead?"

"Fuck no," Michael growls. "I want you to stay away from him."

"Well that's too damn bad that you don't control my life," I deadpan.

Michael glares at me but coach cuts him off before he could say anything. We run a couple of laps then sit on the grass and do some stretches. "Hey, can you give me Tess's number?" Logan asks.


"Well I Wanna ask her out," he says. "That's okay right?"

"That depends," I murmur. "If you hurt her I will castrate your balls and feed them to you."

Logan winces. "I won't do that I swear," he says. "She just seems pretty cool."

"Yeah alright I'll give you her number," I murmur. "Uh, you know everybody in this school right?"

"Pretty much,' he says.

"What's Nathan's deal?" I ask.

"I don't know too much," he answers. "He only started here this year, but he was gonna go big in soccer. Like David Beckham big and something bad happened."


Logan shrugs. "That I don't know. He is single though."

"That's cool," I say.

"Totally up for grabs," Logan teases.

"Fuck off," I snap.

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