Chapter Twenty Eight

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Abigail's POVI munch happily on a sour strap

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Abigail's POV
I munch happily on a sour strap. "So how big of a crush are we talking about?" I ask Gracelyn. 

"I would go down there and melt every time he said hello to me," Gracelyn deadpans. "Oh and Junior year he put a Band-Aid on my knee."

"You lucky bitch," Yasmin gasps.

"I saw him without a shirt," Tess says. "It was after he yelled at some freshman for running with hot coffee for ten minutes. He has a six-pack."

Yasmin starts waving her hand in her face. "Please tell me. Hair or no hair?"

"Oh definite hair on the chest," Tess answers. Both Gracelyn and Yasmin swoon.

"What's Coach's real name?" Carmen asks.

"Lewis," I answer. "I remember because of the yearbook."

"Carmen still has to tell her secret," Phoebe says annoyed. She obviously did not like this conversation about her football coach.

"I have one," Carmen says. "Austin was my first kiss."

"No way," Phoebe gasps. "I thought you told me you kissed Jerry from chess club."

Carmen huffs. "I lied."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Carmen," I say. I grab my phone and stop recording. "Wow, that was some hidden secret."

"We can do it again in another ten years," Yasmin says.

"The secret will be that most of our children were accidents," Phoebe jokes.

We all get into our sleeping bags (except Yasmin and Tess who were in their beds) and in the background was the movie She's the man.

"Abby?" I turn my head to Yasmin. "I forgot to ask how you and Damien are going?"

I shrug. "We've been hanging out, but he hasn't kissed me yet."

"Why does the guy have to make the first move?" Gracelyn huffs. "I kissed Jason first."

"Yeah, but he gets shit for that," Phoebe states. "They call him Gracie's bitch now."

"How does he take that?" Yasmin asks.

"He says that we can all kiss his ass, 'cause he's in a loving relationship and we aren't," Phoebe answers.

"He is so in love with you," Yasmin says to Gracelyn.

"Yeah I know," Gracelyn says. "I told him about it."

"That's great, Gracie," Phoebe says. "I'm glad you could trust Pinkie like that."

"He cried with me," Gracelyn murmurs.

"A man capable of feeling emotion? Yes please," Yasmin says.

"You've changed Michael," Tess says. "There was no way in a hundred years that he was going to let Phoebe date before he met you."

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