Hero Names and Internships

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Aizawa walked into the classroom, fresh pot of scalding hot coffee in hand, still mentally preparing for having to deal with 1-A. The class quieted down as he walked to the podium.

Aizawa: "5 seconds, you're all getting better. Now as many of you probably know, every year after the Sports Festival, heros from across the country put in requests for interns from the hero courses."

He picked up the remote and turned in the projector, presenting names and numbers.

Aizawa: "Those of you who were scouted are up here, but not all of you were. But don't fret, these internships are mandatory, so you will be given a list of 40 hero agencies willing to take random interns."

Izuku was scanning the board, but it turned out that he wasn't scouted, at all. Not even Aizawa's outburst brought any guilt ridden requests.

Izuku: "Hmmm."

Aizawa: "Midoriya, don't look so down. You're not up here because you were actually scouted, granted it was only one person, so we automatically put you with them."

Izuku looked up excitedly.

Izuku: "Rah!"

Aizawa: "It's a surprise. They're picking you up themselves when we leave on Monday. We worked with Bakugo, Asui, and Mirko on this, I'm sure you'll love it."

Aizawa: "Now, moving on. For these internships you'll all need your hero names. As my name suggests, I'm terrible at names, and they can easily stick. So be sure they're good or else-"

Midnight bursted through the door.

Midnight: "You'll have help to pay later! I'll be judging your names and seeing if they're fit for use, if not you'll have to make a new one up and try again. Now come get a white board and be ready to present!"

Aizawa chugged the coffee pot and sat down, sliding into his sleeping bag.

Aizawa: "I'll be here if you need anything Kayama."

She nodded to him and passed out the white boards.

Tsu was the first to go up, using the name Froppy, which was quickly accepted by Midnight. After her, the rest of the class went up one by one. Izuku was the last person to go, he wrote his name idea on his white board, stood up, and walked to the front of the room to present it. He place the board on the podium facing the class.

Izuku: "Ah."

Izuku: -Demon of Light: Deku-

Midnight: "I love it! The title's amazing Midoriya!"

He smiled and sat back down. Midnight then nudged Aizawa awake and left the room. The sleepy man got out of his sleeping bag and stood at the podium.

Aizawa: "Alright, now that that's out of the way, we can get you all your lists. Mic will be here shortly with your lists, though please don't be discouraged by the sizes, you all have room to grow, you will get better."

After a few minutes Present Mic walked in pushing a cart full of binders and stapled packets. He called the students up one by one, Izuku did feel a little left out, but he remembered his was a surprise, and one he'd like apparently.

At lunch he, Bakugo, and Tsu were sitting together. Izuku pulled his phone out.

Izuku: -Who are you guys going with?-

Bakugo: "The Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamite is going to be interning with the Number 4 Hero Best Jeanist."

Tsu: "I'm going with a water based hero named Selkie. -kero-"

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