Billy Loomis And His Partner In Crime Nicole Prescott

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This is about Billy Loomis and his new girlfriend and Partner In Crime Nicole Prescott, yes Sydney Prescott is Nicole's older sister, Billy's Ex Girlfriend, Billy and Stu killed Sydney and Nicole's mom 6 years ago and their dad 2 years ago, no one knows about them killing them two plus a couple more people around town over the last couple years, but Nicole find out about it a couple months ago, but she hasn't confront them yet, she is scared they may kill her, her and Sydney haven't talked since last year, when Billy and her got together. Nicole is in her bathroom getting out of the shower in her apartment complex building.

 Nicole is in her bathroom getting out of the shower in her apartment complex building

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After your shower you go into the living-room and turn the TV on and all over the news is talking about the latest murder you take a deep breath and your mind goes to Billy and Stu, you need to confront them before they get caught or worst they di...

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After your shower you go into the living-room and turn the TV on and all over the news is talking about the latest murder you take a deep breath and your mind goes to Billy and Stu, you need to confront them before they get caught or worst they die themselves, you love Billy so much as your boyfriend and Stu as your big brother. You grab your phone and call Billy who is working at his job, he picks up and says "babygirl what's up? As you smile into the phone "Billy Honey can you and Stu come by after your shift, I need to talk to you both about something important" as Billy laughs 'yeah I'll be there,I'll see if Stu can also come, did we do something we need to bring you some kind of gift? As you smile "nah you two aren't in trouble, my killer" as he says 'shit babygirl I'll be there soon, we need to talk before Stu arrives, I'm not going to hurt you or little bean and Stu will not either" as you shake your head "alright daddy see you soon" as he hangs up, yes you are pregnant with your and Billy's first child a little girl, you two have decided to name her May Loomis, you two are going to have May you two are going to get married, hopefully. She is due in May so you two decide on that name May Loomis.

A few minutes later you Are in the kitchen making something to drink when Billy uses his key And comes in, "babygirl where are you at? As you smile and play your hand on your belly and say "in the kitchen making some tea are you alone? As he walks in and leans against the wall "yes babygirl, Stu will be by later on, you and little May doing alright? As you turn your face to look at him "we are fine Daddy" as he smirks and walks over and wraps his arms around your belly and kisses your neck lightly "how did you find out? As you lean against his chest, and look at him. "I put it all together, you two killed my mom and dad, Casey, Tatum, Steve, who else? As he smirks and turns you are and say "no one else your mom was a slut and had sex with my dad making my mom leave town, same with Stu's dad which made his mom lose her mind, your dad knew about all this and just let it happen, Casey Tatum and Steve where just in the wrong place at the wrong time" as you look him in the eyes. Billy Loomis you lied to me you two killed Rebecca from highschool two nights ago" as he shakes his head "no I was with you two nights ago at the hospital, you had false labor, Stu was out of town visiting his mom in the asylum, someone is copycatting us, plus I don't remember an Rebecca from highschool, we had four different Rebecca's in that damn school which one died two nights ago? As you smile at him Billy isn't lying to you, he was pretty high through highschool, "Rebecca Smith, she picked on a lot of people in school" as Billy nods his head "oh shit she was best friends with Casey, queen bee herself" as you nod your head at him.

He says "babygirl after Tatum we stop because I got you, I am happy, Stu is doing amazing things he has meet a girl from his college, her name is Megan, we got each other, I am not lying to you Nicole" as you look at him "I believe you Billy, you two got to continue not killing anyone, I'll call Dewey and see if the station have any updates on this kill" as he nods his head "the moment I got you and Stu got in to college we made a Pact we wouldn't kill no more and we haven't" as you smile at him "alright daddy, can you stay tonight with me? As he nods his head "yes babygirl I'll call Stu and let him know the situation and he doesn't have to come by unless you want to see big brother" as you shake your head "no we will see him this coming weekend at his place for his birthday party" as Billy smiles at you.

He sends Stu a quick text message and let's him know it's took care of the situation, you two will see him at his house for his birthday party this weekend, he then comes back inside and joins you on the couch, you find something to watch, and you are relaxing when he joins you and holds you against his body, you two begin to watch the movie on the TV, he smirks and rubs your back lightly, his hands do this little circle movement, "I'll call in some dinner after this movie ends babygirl" as you nod your head at him and you two watch the movie, he holds you against his body and you get comfortable in his arms, Billy may be a killer but when he is with you he is this amazing guy and you love him to your last breath, you two are expecting May Loomis. You two are happy together and things are going to get better after May is born in a few months time.

To be continued!!!! This story will be 10 parts!!!!

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