Chapter 43: Mark Set Go Part 2

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Chicks were screaming out at him as he walked to us and I then I saw him went to one of them. It was his ex and he hugged her by the gate then he talked for a few minute before coming. My nigga was a bitch magnet out there and I was thinking they loving that hard on the glued to his thigh in that track suit. He was almost to us and he looked shy as fuck and it was cute though I was excited to see him do his thing. I got to say it was like I ran that race and won that's how happy and proud I am for him.

Bentley: What yawl niggas saying (He looked right at me smiling with a little shy look)

JB: What's good tack star you murdered niggas out there

Bentley: He started to laugh man it wasn't all of that man but you good, what's good do mjay and Shawn? KJ what's good dude?

KJ: You won the race?

Bentley: Yea I won the race

KJ: You still slow though because I could beat you running. Daddy I want race?

Mjay: Yea you going to race when preschool have their sports day ok

KJ: No I want race with the big boys not with babies

JB: You is a baby yourself little cousin

KJ: No I'm not a baby I name man

Shawn: Bey Mjay what you be teaching this little nigga then everyone started to laugh when Shawn said that.

Mjay: Bro I don't teach him them stuff blame Chris and my daddy then don't forget Terry.

Bentley: KJ you want me put you in a race to a ok I going to let you run with me in my next race ok(As he said that one dude ran and brought his sweat suit and bag to him and he started to put on his sweat suit I guess to keep his muscles warm)

Mjay: Bey how you got so fast dude, I mean you really good?

Bentley: Funny thing is I never was that fast but that's what training and running the bay will give you on the island. Coach has us running with weights so that will make you faster as well just keep in shape.

JB: I see the girls out here looking at you hard bey, you the ladies man

Bentley: These girls just thirsty man they see dick in my pants that's all it is. My ex wants to show off to everyone and says she knows me you see that's why she calling me then want huge.

JB: I want show off to man where my hug nigga

Bentley: You going to get that later then he started to laugh.

JB: you dam right I going to get that later then we all laugh at each other
I went to take KJ to the stall to get something to snack on and Bentley was talking with Mjay and Shawn. I know they were talking about me because when I got back there they got silent as ever. He sat there with us just chilling and wibes but about almost an hour later he was called to run the two hundred meters race. I know he fast now but I'm wondering if he can keep at the same pace to win a race or can he run long. They were lined up and he was warming up his legs but he got line nine and everyone knows that's the best line to be in. They were on the mark then gun fired off and there were off from the blocks. He was behind and then they were at the curved and this is when he went beast mode. He starting running like gold was at the finish line and he passed everyone down then came first. I was like dam he really talented so why he didn't want me see him do what he love. He was just smiling when he knew he won and he looked at the time but then this dude who was in the race with him who came second bumped him like he had a vibe or was jealous. Then he walked over to his coach and his coach was talking to him then he went where the other team mates where he looked a little angry.

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