22 𝘚𝘌𝘗𝘛𝘌𝘔𝘉𝘌𝘙 • 2016

135 12 7

"I can't believe you're sixteen now! My baby is all grown up..."

Seungmin could excuse hearing that common phrase from an elderly relative every once in a while, but hearing it come from his sixteen-year-old best friend on his birthday, right as he opened the door, was not something he was particularly fond of, to say the least.

He watched Jisung with a look of disgust as the melodramatic teenager wiped away a pretend tear, which was accompanied by Felix solemnly patting him on the back.

God, they were such actors. And Jisung didn't even take Drama!

He welcomed them into his house nonetheless, rolling his eyes as Jisung continued to pretend sob about Seungmin getting older. He was preparing himself for an entire evening of this, but that didn't mean he was enjoying it.

The three of them had all agreed on helping set things up a couple of hours before the party, like they did for Jisung's at Christmas, since it worked so well last time. This meant that the trio immediately had to get to work; sticking on some background music as Seungmin started handing out decorations and telling his friends where to put them.

It wasn't much. Just some ambient lighting, some balloons in the corner, some nice music playing in the background, and some blankets on the couch. Seungmin was just hoping for a game and movie night─something simple with all of his friends.

Eventually, when the trio were done setting up, it was time for the guests to start arriving. Seungmin's mother had already left for work for her nightshift; feeling bad about leaving her son on his birthday, but promising a fun activity with him the following day: a promise that Seungmin would hold onto.

Sadly, she had to start working a lot more after the divorce, because, even though Seungmin's father was regularly paying for his child support, just that and the money from one job wasn't enough, so she had to take up two.

It was okay though. It meant that Seungmin could actually do fun things with his friends, like this. He was grateful for his mother's hard work, but he was still going to hold onto that promise for the following day.

He relied on it.

Sangkwan showed up first, carrying two bags of presents and wearing a huge smile on his face. He barely even had time to put them down before Seungmin attacked him with a hug.

Next to show up were Minho and Changbin. Seungmin had invited them so that Felix and Jisung had some entertainment, but there was still a 'no kissing in this house' rule, because that would've just been weird.

Imagine having the knowledge that your best friend made out with some guy in your bedroom, and then every time you went to sleep, you'd be forced to remember that they used your bed as a make-out spot.

It made Seungmin shudder, hence the ban on kissing for the night.

Then, it was Hyunjin and Jeongin's turn to show up; wielding a joint present and looking rather proud of how big it was.

Seungmin was beyond excited.

He clapped his hands enthusiastically, urging everyone to get themselves seated, on and around the couch.

He had a special spot reserved for himself which had Jisung and Felix either side of him, like bodyguards for a king.

Sangkwan was sat in front of him on the floor, perfect for if he wanted to play with his boyfriend's hair.

It was all so perfect being surrounded by the people he loved the most...

He sat down in his reserved seat, getting comfy and pulling his best friends closer. They laughed at his clingy-ness, but Seungmin had no intentions of letting go.

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