Chapter 24 - SMALL SMILE

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The staffs leading the two in front of the tourist group as a special guest knowing the share holder is here to check the place but Wonwoo decline doesn't like the honorific and attention and told them don't mind them.

It's weird because the two dressed like a prince and a princess but walked behind the people there. They were so noticable among them.

Jhoanne just walk silently behind him not really in her mood to talk because of the scenes earlier but somehow, she still enjoys the place.

Looking up at the different kind of soft color of trees and the comforting wind blowing her hair and kissing her skin is enough for her to feel relax.

A very tiny uneasy creep in Wonwoo's core hearing nothing from the person behind him after what he said earlier, which is not matching like she always does. She usually asking and her always crossing his words.

But he silently click his tongue shaking that thought realized he never mind anything.

He was still pissed at his outfit that's why his hard expression never lighten.

He glance at the tourist guide and the moment he saw how busy the they are, he took a quickly step at the right way which got Jhoanne's attention from looking anywhere.

'Tsk! What with him again?'

She sigh lazily roll her eyes. Nevertheless, she still followed him as his 'servant',

'Servant my ass.'

scratch that, his secretary anyway.

Picking up her big-long dress while walking was giving her hard time running to him who's walking more like running.

"Where are you going?" She spoke when she catch up behind him panting. 'The fuck!'

He didn't bother to respond on her and just keep walking until they reach some part of the small village that really catches their attention.

The place was like the real one in their traditional from before with the people selling different kind of thing that uses decades ago.

'Wait, are they role playing or what?'

She wondered suddenly.

'But if that's the case, then that's too much to cost.'

Their steps back to normal pace as they have gone from the tourist guide. They are like run away royals or majesties. Jhoanne now let down her front dress touch the ground looking around the people around them.

Now, no one pay attention to them and they prefer like that, but how Jhoanne's dress and look with her white silky hair betrayed them. Some of the people stealing glance at her, particularly from men's eyes, and that didn't go unnoticed to Wonwoo.

It's irony how Jhoanne was unaware of it because she was too distracted by her surroundings letting a pure smile draw on her lips that made her more beautiful with her natural wide eyes shining like a little kid who just saw a candy. She will hate that expression of her if she was just aware of it. Well, who wouldn't. The place was pretty interesting, for her.

She was moody earlier made by her boss gone thankfully,

"What's in your cocohead to use that damn?"

Or not?

He asked with his usual pissed tone after he turned around to her eying her fake hair back to her face.

"Don't smile. It's pissing me off." He said turned his back to her again and walk again threw his hand behind since he cannot pocket his hand plus the fabric was so silky.

Dark Night With Her - Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now