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Wonwoo quickly immersed deep down the water.

The clear view of a woman with her white top hanging on the deepest part of the water unmoving like a lifeless person, eyes peacefully closed while no bubble coming out from her nose or mouth.

Wonwoo cursed multiple times inside his head as he immediately grabs her arms and swam up surface.

As they popped up, he furiously collects air inside his lungs. He can stay under water longer than normal people but the amount of air he enhale before he dive down wasn't enough because of a little fright.

He frustratedly face the woman who's calmly breathing with her dripping hair, staring at him confusedly.

"Are you fucking numb?!" He yells in her face as he brushes up his wet hair falling in his eyes.

Jhoanne furrowed his brows and sighs at the sight. "What did I do wrong again?" She asked cluelessly in herself keeping herself up from water.

His sharp darting eyes looks at her. "Bullshit! Killing yourself is fucking wrong, for goodness'sake Jhoanne!" He shout with his chest rising up and down hard.

She mentally roll her eyes. 'He sounds we're close by how he uttered my name. I'm embarrassed.'

'Hold on, killing myself? What the fuck!'

She loves herself so much that suiciding never ever cross her mind.

Her face creased at the idea. She wipes a few water dripping on her face before she looks at him narrowedly. "Wait, I'm not sick head." She told him in annoyance as her face wrinkles.

"Then explain what the fuck you did!" He shouted doesn't even know why he was shouting at her right now.

"It's been 20 minutes for fucking sake!"

"Can you stop cursing already?" She spats in pissed and still clueless why he was suddenly like this, yelling at her.

'Gosh! He's ruining my mood. Look at this paradise.'

"I was just literally chilling down there," She pointed the water with her eyes, "Then you suddenly drags me up at surface and start yelling at me." She rolled her eyes.

"What the fuck- Chilling?!" He scoffed in disbelief. Eyes almost tearing her. Is she kidding him?!

Jhoanne went silent examining him from his wet, dripping hair to his soaking clothes revealing his skin through his thin white inner long sleeve. Just realized what he did. He was totally soaked just because he thought she was drown under water.

She calmly sighs looking at him. "Actually," She avoid his eyes.

"I can hold my breath longer than... normal people." She said breaking their eye contact in feeling slightly guilt.

'There's no wrong of telling that right?'

He scoffed in pissed. "Great." He murmurs under his breath but she can still able to hear that. He slam his arms against the innocent water cause it to splash harshly.

A small curve draw on the corner of her lips. "So sir, since you're already soaked, why don't you just enjoy?" She offered which gain a sharp glare from the latter.

He click his tongue, didn't response and tuned his back on her swimming away from her, obviously not interested.

She just silently chuckles at the great sight, staring at his wide firm back figure swimming to the land part.

'I never thought he had soft spot despite him being jerk.' She smirk.

"Swim off or I'll fire you." He suddenly muttered without looking at her, unbuttoning his dripping sleeves, about to walk off but,

Dark Night With Her - Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now