Chapter 26 - DIRTY TALKS

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S.Coups and his members was left frozen at the announcement.

"Did he purposely aimed at her?" Bae said in goosebumps.

"Probably. That beast never missed." Xiumin said now gritting his teeth.

S.Coups balled his fist. 'What he's up to?'

This is really wrong to him.

And the fact that they recognized those body figures, that student kid with his group, they knows Jhoanne shouldn't get near them.

S.Coups knew it's him.

On the other side, DK's forehead creased.

"Lyrebird? Who's is she?" Dino asked obviously it's his first time hearing that title.

"White Lyrebird. She doesn't have group and accomplished her mission alone." The8 explained but doesn't know what's she's look like.

"Woah, interesting." Vernon in amazed.

"Amusing indeed." Moon agreed.

"She has sharp moves, avoid her legs in close combat or you'll face her solid kick which can break your bone." The8 adds as the other listened carefully.

"She not an ordinary," Dino nodding his head.

"Well, she's with the three great women. What would you expect?" Joe said fixing his coat.

"Is she new?" Shua casually asked.

"No, but she has been missing and no one knows why and where is she. And this gathering was forbid to skip it but she did it many years, that means she has someone in her back from three highness." Zhi guessed with his usual sharp mind.

"One thing you should note. Just like white Lyrebird, she's gorgeous and tempting and took this as her advantage to hooked her prey, one of most dangerous weapon she's using. I'm really curious her doing that to these two." Gyu said as lips pointing at Vernon and Moon.

"I'm willing to die, dude." Moon smirks as his womanizer side take over him again.

"I'm now curious how her face form now." Vernon said imagine how gorgeous she really is.

"Unless you wanna die. Those people who saw her face was now dead." The8 said as he cross his arms.

"At first I got really curious about her title so I did some research about her. And just like Lyrebirds, she's wild and sharp at her surroundings, keen at her steps and instead of mimicking sound like Lyrebirds' does, she's sharp at copying move from her enemy. But since she has originality, copying was rarely used." Zhi narrates.

"She is surely differ. I'm now curious." DK finally spoke.

"Lady White Lyrebird, please proceed to the center hall." The machine continue...


"Paging Miss Lyre," The mc on the other side supported the machine's announcement.

My named just got called, but I wasn't even moving, observing my surroundings.

I once again glance at his direction.

"Lady Lyre, you got pair with Silver." Lé dwells.

I wasn't that full of information about this Silver guy but looking at him, his hit wasn't just randomly landed on my name.

Did he do that purposely?

I smirk.

This should be enjoying.

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