Chapter 24: Am I Going To Jail

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I sat there in the chair with my heart in my ass and I was scared as f***k and my first thought was that maybe it was Terry playing but Chris wasn't taking no chances but he told me go in the room and that's what I did. I went to his room door but I still stayed close where I can hear what was going on and then Chris open the door and it was two officers.

Chris: Goodnight officers can I help you

Officer: How you doing Chris

Chris: Am good officers

Officer: I was told that a big fight happen down at the fry and someone was insulted with a bottle that has a young man in a bad state in the hospital and no one know who was involved but someone called your name

Chris: Not me yo I was home all day, so tell that person they a dam liar

Officer: Ok but we can't carry you in on he say she say but we will be

investigating the matter, so stay out of trouble.

Chris: All the time, piece (Chris stepped inside and close the door and came in the room with me and he was looking at me strange like he was confused) Naw who hit nigga in the head with a bottle and I know it's you cause only you does get crazy when you fight.

Me: It was me, Chris I scared I going to jail for that s***t

Chris: Nigga you could man why I didn't force you to stay here I know I should have dread. Mjay that's assault with a deadly weapon you know but it was self defence so you aint got nothing to worry about

Me: I mean is itself defence if they started to jump Dion and I started swinging and I knock nigga out cold with the bottle, bey you got me scared bey I can't have that s***t on my police record I will never get a job yo

Chris: Mjay just relax man they aint going to know it was you, so go bath and let's just relax bey

Me: why you so calm about the s***t bey and how the f***k they know where you live. I want go home bey.

Chris: Nigga you aint going nowhere, and you hurt you want your mom start freaking out a, then s***ts might get worst and relax. The officers know where I live because that officer is my uncle lol

Me: That's your uncle but why he was acting so professional and ok Chris I will stay

Chris: Yea he have to do that but he does get me out of plenty s***t but I calm down a lot but when I was little younger I was fighting a lot, I stabbed a dude, almost got caught with some weed and he always was there from me and saved me man, he don't want my mom stress out over nothing but You hungry?

Me: Nigga you got the police on your side you know you str8 right and he in tan uniform so that means he got stripes on the force. Naw I good boo I don't want no food that's probably why I was losing that fight because I was logy and lazy from all that dam shrimp and fries I was eating but I know this s***t aint going to be over.

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