Chapter 38: Warning

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Here we are coming out of the club trying to make a quick getaway and the police was parked right outside the door. Out of all the people that came running out of the club they picked up my brother and Chris. Me, Shawn and Dion was just looking on clueless like what could we have done they were talking with the police officers and then the night got worst when the police brought out the cuffs. Chris was just looking at me giving a little evil smirk saying through is eyes don't worry about nothing this some petty s***t. Terry was mad because these niggas don't know what gone down but they picking them too up out of the crowd. I stood on the side walk by the entrance of the club and I just look on as the police car carried my brother and Chris away.

Me: Bey what the f***k just happen yo

Dion: Niggas them get f***ked up and Chris and Terry get locked up (he holds head down and shakes it)

Shawn: Bey what the f***k we going to do

Me: Bey only one thing I can think of is call mommy but the outcome of it is not going to be good. Chris uncle is inspector of police but you can't rely only on that bey and if I call and wake up mom its one in the morning saying Chris and Terry got arrested she going to bey really mad.

Dion: Bey this s***t happen to fast bey my brother is so f***king mess up bey I think I got to do the un thinkable and go to my mother to tell her to tell this nigga leave me and my friends alone

Shawn: Bey that's extreme something else might pop off over there you sure you want do that

Me: Yea bey Dion you sure you want do that s***t bey

Dion: Yea niggas but the two of yawl have to go with me though yea bruh, aint nothing going down man (we walked to my car and it's a good thing I drove because we would have been stranded if Chris or terry drive because they both gone with the key) So what we going to do now niggas?

Me: I thinking if I should call my mom bey

Dion: You say Chris get connection right so give it couple hours to see if the connection comes through if not they got one phone call each to make so they can call and say what to do. Because you know your mom might flip out and on you and make you stay home from now on bey or kick Terry out. Besides I don't think we can do anything tonight anyway because if we go down there we going to have to wait and s***t anyway. So let's just go chill and give it a couple hour's see what happen.

We wanted to chill together so we went back by Chris I couldn't dare to go home to look in my mother face because she will know something was wrong. I wasn't thinking because I know she would have probably gone off on Terry because it wasn't really the first time he got in trouble. This time it wasn't really his fault at all but I know it was a complete different reason they gripped up Chris and Terry. All us was in the front room just watching TV because no one really could sleep because of what happened but I sure was hungry though so I had to eat some more food. After that we all fall sleep in the front room and it was after 7am when I woke up to a knock on the door and I jumped up. Who the f***k this could be early like this in the morning and I went to the door to and said who is it. This voice said nigga open this door and it was Chris voice.

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