Chapter 36: I Miss You Bro

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Chris and I were in the room and he was telling me how I made him feel for how I handled s***t today and he loved it. He reached in his pocket and he pulled out five tickets to go on the cruise but I was thinking ok thats me, him and my brother and Shawn but who is the fifth ticket for.

Me: Bey this five tickets?

Chris: Yea so?

Me: Yea so who the next one for

Chris: My mom bey

Me: Ok kool you do know I aint going know where near you if she come right , I mean it's good for her so she can relax and spa and all that good stuff. On the other hand that's a negative for you because I won't be touching you, I won't sleep with you and I aint having sex with you nigga lol I will can't face your mother. I swear bey that day you carry me there I sure she knew me and you together especially when you was coming with the watermelon she was like it big huh.

Chris: Nigga what the hell, what she was meaning do?

Me: She says she was meaning the melon but I was know she was meaning your d***k because I was looking at it. Bey you know your d***k look like rope in your pants that s***t long yo and thick, the big ass rope they tie the boats with at the docks.

Chris: Lmao mjay you is one ass you know, so you saying I can't get no sweet p***y, no head, no alone time nothing I mean we can sneak ya know and I will have my own room you still could sleep with me

Me: Nigga f***k that entire s***t bey I won't bey I would feel like I disrespecting her, speaking of mother I need to go see mine because I don't even go home no more, I hope you see how much I love you nigga lmao I neglecting my own mother, s***t her and my daddy must be f***king up a storm now. Yuck I don't even want think about that s***t its depressing lmao

Chris: He smile and said man mjay you is a clown bey I does can't stop laughing when I around you but on the real I only f***king with you bey my mom aint going. I got the ticket for your boy Dion I mean if he wants to go it's up to him

Me: What! I'm shocked as s***t, bey you f***king with me aren't you

Chris: Naw nigga I mean I told you I was going to be cool with nigga and I know you would love for him to come so I bought it for him so he could join us but if he nigga want go he got to buy he own s***t lmao I don't know him. But we aint going tell end of the month after your brother birthday

Me: lmao I here that so what you want do tonight its Friday bey lol we can't just go sleep tonight.

Chris: Lmao bey you still high aint you

Me: Me a little bit bey lol

Chris: Call terry and Shawn tell them come over I going to make some gully wash and you come cook something, we going to have a little pre birthday party for Terry

Me: Yea s***t bey I love gully wash bey (For those who don't know gully wash is gully wash is the s***t and it's so tasty. It's a Bahamian drink that is made with coconut water, cream and gin. Some like it with a cup of ice but I like it when its keep in the freezer and its icy. It can f***k you up to so don't get lost in the taste it can still f***k you up.

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