Chapter 31: Right Here On My Desk

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I was working the cash register for Chris while he was in the office chilling. It was almost 12noon and I was expecting KC to pop by so I can get to know him a little better so I can surprise Dion with him. The door flew open and I didn't pay no mind until I heard the door bell and that's when I looked up it was Monica walking up to the cash register. I'm like what this chick doing here and the thoughts just rushed through my head but I wasn't sweating anything because I love and trust Chris with all my heart. Then I thought females are something else though so I'm prepared for it. Now days being with a female are a scam for money they are with you just to get money. If you f***k them they are like I need to some cause I don't f***k for free dam and they wonder why boy p***y is in right now. Or females want be with you but then they got to have a next dude putting minutes on their phone, a next one f***king them when you act up and a next one for clothes, shoes and hair styles. All am saying is that life is something else you got to learn these chicks you be f***king don't be a fool my bi brethrens.

Monica: Hey mjay you working for Chris now I see

Me: Lol you will never see the day I only helping out around here man but what brings you here

Monica: I come to buy some rum I mean not for me because I'm pregnant but I'm having a birthday party tomorrow you should come

Me: I here that man I will see if I can swing by but what can of rum you want

Monica: Just give me a Hennessey, 2 Grey Goose, 2 Coconut Rum, 1 Peace Snap and 1 large Napoleon

Me: Man yawl sound like yawl going to have a big drink out I have to come by because those a lot of room and I bet yawl got cases of beers too.

Monica: Yea you know it

Me: Ok that's one hundred and fifty dollars (as I said that the door opened again and am thinking it was KC but it was a form that I remembered. The person came in and said baby you get the rum str8 and I looked up it was John) Huh nigga what you doing in here and baby?

John: Sup mjay what you doing in here

Me: Lmao bruh what you doing in here and this Chris shop I helping out ( I thought to myself yo bey this is crazy, Nassau is crazy small bey what the f***k yo is this john baby and he in Freeport with his mouth all on my brother d***k wtf! But wait if it's his baby that means she had to been f***king him around the same time her and Chris was together. At the moment I wanted to hurry up gave these two there change so they can be out of here before Chris comes out of office. The first thing I thought about was dam this nigga a dawg yo but he always seems to find his way to people Chris deal with.

John: I here that Chris doing big things man but we going to catch yawl later, oh how is your brother

Me: He good man

John: Tell I say sup bey and yawl come to the party

Me: Yea we going to pass though bruh and I will tell him (I dapped him and as him and Monica walked out of the shop and then Chris walked out of the office. I was so glad he didn't see that because he then think john wants everything he has and it would confirm that to be true if he saw them two.

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