Ch. 4 Laboratory

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Ch. 4 Laboratory

 4 Laboratory

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= THE GROUP makes their way into the genetics lab. All around them, scientists are hard at work doing what needs to be done to bring dinosaurs back into existence.

Madison enjoyed spending time in here when she was younger, loving the idea to spend everyday with tiny baby dinosaurs that grows up to trust her. She loved the holy sight of an egg hatching.

"A reminder; The boat for the mainland will be leaving at nineteen hundred hours. All personnel be at the dock no later than eighteen forty-five. No exceptions." The voice of Ray Arnold over the PA fills the females ears as her Uncle walks up to the head geneticist, Dr. Henry Wu.

"G'day, Henry." Hammond greets the scientist who finally notices them all.

"Good day, sir, Madison." Wu greets both the Hammonds with a bow of his head while Ellie gasps loudly, patting the arm of her male companion.

"It's turning the eggs." She tells them and Madison notices one of the eggs shaking, she looms over, head levelling with the object as her interest is peeked.

"Oh, perfect timing. I was hoping they'd hatch before I had to go to the boat." Wu chuckles.

"Henry, Henry! Why didn't you tell me? I insist on being here when they're born." John practically whines and positions himself beside Madison, watching the shaking egg while Alan was on the other side with Ellie.

"You can do it little guy." Madison whispers, cooing as the egg began to crack and the dinosaur inside the shell pushes its way out.

"Very good. Push." It was now somehow John's turn to encourage the dinosaur as he spoke like a proud father of some sort.

Madison could hear Ellie release a sharp breath with slowing heartbeats. "Oh god..."

"Push. Come on. Come on. Come on, then." John continues to encourage the small dinosaur and they push its way out of the shell, its small head coming into view.

"Mummy's here my dear..." Madison whispers, gently picking the tiny shell that fell onto its head.

"They imprint on the first creature they come in contact with. Helps them to trust us. We've been present for the birth of every creature on this island." John explains to the group while Madison was obsessing over the tiny creature.

"Well, surely not the ones that have bred in the wild." Ian comments with reluctancy.

"Actually, they can't breed in the wild. Population control is one of our security precautions. There is no unauthorised breeding in Jurassic Park." Henry Wu explains to the male, Madison knew herself there would be unauthorised breeding but couldn't say anything. Not to anger the group of scientists.

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