Ch. 32 Life's not contained

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Ch. 32 Life's not Contained

 32 Life's not Contained

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= The velociraptor above works its way down. The one below leaps up, at her dangling legs. She lifts them in time with its jumps, avoiding the suggestion of losing her feet. This can't go on for long.

Desperate, she pulls one of the Spanish tiles up from the roof and hurls it at the raptor below. It hits the animal in the head, for all the good that does but Sarah keeps on, pulling and throwing more tiles. She edges to the right, toward a fresh supply. The raptor above edges even closer, claws clicking on the slick roof.

As Sarah pulls the loose tiles free, the ones above slide down, to take their place. Suddenly an avalanche of loose tiles breaks loose the footing underneath the raptor disintegrates. It slides to the edge amid the tumbling tiles.

Sarah, seeing it coming, swings in close to the building, hugging it as closely as she can. The raptor falls off the roof, right past her and crunches into the raptor below. Both animals snarl and attack one another.

Now Sarah, her grip exhausted, falls too, landing right next to the enraged animals. They fight and roll, right over the poor woman.

Although in her eyes, another shadow joins the fight. Clenching their jaw over one head they somehow tear off, having blood splatter around.

She groans loudly and hugs the wood below her, the velociraptor and new creature continue to thrash and bite, they roll back, toward her, she rolls out of their way and plunges through a hole in the roof.

Sarah falls through the roof of deserted laboratory and lands in the tray of an old-fashioned hanging fluorescent light fixture. One end of the fixture's support snaps, it drops at what seems to be a 45 degree angle, Sarah slides out the other end and crashes through a window.

Sarah lands in the mud in the street below. Something reaches down and grabs her forearm immediately, she tries to pull back thinking it was a velociraptor but instead it's only Malcolm. He pulls her to her feet just as a sudden roar comes from above them.

They look up and their faces are bathed in a brilliant white light that frightens them at first, until they realise it's the sound of a helicopter, and the white light is its searchlight.

A few minutes have gone by, the helicopter is now one of the several, and its light is trained on the group as they are loaded aboard the big Sikorsky that hovers just over the roof of the main building.

Two more helicopters circle the little town, 422 members pointing automatic weapons out of the cargo bays. All three aircraft are emblazoned with the InGen logo. Malcolm shouts over the prop wash, to one of the Ingen members loading him aboard.

Realising the absence of one their group members. Kelly turns to her dad and the crew member. "Where's Madison and Renee?"

"What? She isn't here?" Malcolm looks around in shock and disbelief. It was then when they hear one of the drivers speaking.

"We've found asset 102 and asset 98, preparing capture."

All heads turn to gaze outwards of the helicopter to find the familiar black skinned animal with a backpack climbing out of the hut. A familiar cub in their mouth comfortably.

Just then, the sound of an InGen solider pulling out a rifle is heard.

"You aren't going to shoot Madison!" Ian yells, grabbing the nuzzle of the gun while Sarah and Nick grabs hold of him.

"We've been ordered to bring asset 102 and 98 back to San Diego by Mr Ludlow."

Flashlights flash upon the creatures figure just before numerous reigns of bullets fire upon the two, cracking the roof beneath the creatures hands. They fell but luckily catches themselves onto the side, Renee roaring loudly.

Back in the chopper, the soldier shoved Malcolm back and prepares to take fire. Just until he was tackled and shoved out by the same man.

"Madison! Fly up here!" Ian yells, leaning further out with a hand stretched towards the animal that looks up. White eyes showing concern as she see's the two little heads of Bumble and Ezra.

Roaring loudly, Madison throws herself out and grabs onto a nearby helicopter swirling around. Clawing at any humans before they jumped out once more. Front claws spread out as they try to grab onto the helicopter where the others were.

Tony Stark, still on the ground makes his way to the leaping animal who is soon shot in the neck by a tranquilliser.

"MADISON!" Ian screams, falling forward and nearly slips out the helicopter if it weren't for Nick and Sarah reeling him back. They all watched helplessly as their companion crashes into the ground, a bunch of soot and smoke collecting in the air.

They are wafted away just as the Helicopter is reeled away. Everyone finding a now unconscious hybrid with a small furry cub in their mouth. Both tranquillised with Tony Stark being taken away despite his approaches to the girl.

"Don't you dare touch them!" Tony yells, leaving the InGen men's arms before he himself is knocked out by something harsh slamming onto the back of his head.


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