Ch. 23 Hunters

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Ch. 23 Hunters

 23 Hunters

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     = Engines roars, as wheels spin and dig in the dirt, men shouts and radios squawks as the hunter vehicles pursue the fleeing herd they've flushed. All this being seen by the group of the expedition team, all of whom were peering over from a ledge. Madison laid between Ian and Tony with one of the cubs peering over her head while the other two are with Kelly.

The hunters shouts and shrieks with glee, incredulous and thrilled by the spectacular animals they're pursuing.

"LOOK AT THESE THINGS!" The group could hear them shout.


One of the pursuit vehicles pulls ahead of the others. And a man stands in the passenger seat, holding a long pole with a noose dangling from the end of it. He swings the pole over the side of the jeep and shouts to whom they could only presume to be his driver.

"FASTER!" Is what he says, with a demanding tone.

The driver hits the gas and the snagger leaps forward, gaining on the herd. Aware of the danger behind them, the herd veers to the right, towards the cover of thick jungle, but unfortunately for them, a  motorcycle roars in from the right side, cutting them off, herding them back out into the open.

"I am so going to kill them." Madison snarls, narrowing her eyes with a large scowl. They widen and looks up when hearing the growl of the cub on her head. "Glad you agree with me, Renee." Madison reaches up and rubs their head.

"Renee?" Ian looks at the girl in confusion. An eyebrow popped up and all.

"Don't look at me like that you weirdo, it was on the top of my head." Madison narrows her own eyes at him and knocks him slightly to the sight with her fist, Renee following along with swiping a paw at him.

"They like it." She laughs, having Renee tumble down beside her head on the left side.


All heads turn, turn to find out what has happened. The Hunter had decided to fire a tranquilliser at a Carinthosaur, a red-crested herbivore, from the rear of the fleeing herd. The carinthosaur staggers as the dart sticks in its let hindquarters.

The snagger shudders to a halt in the dirt, kicking up a huge cloud of dust and dirt. The motorcycle spins to a stop beside it, its driver, pushing his mask up to reveal his sweat and dirt-streaked face.

The wrangler truck backs up and drops its rear door, which clangs heavily to the ground. Four wranglers  carrying wire noose poles and chains race down the ramp and out of the truck.

Dieter jumps off the snagger. He puts down his tranquilizer gun, picks up a long steel rod, and walks forward slowly. Ahead of him, the carinthosaur is still on its feet.

The sedated animal staggers, fighting to retain its balance while it is surrounded by wary Wranglers.

"Easy - - easy - - not too close! Full extension!"

The Wranglers adjust their poles, extending them another three feet, which allows them to stay further from the feeling, ten foot tall animal.

"What are they planning to do?" Kelly asks her father who looks to her with a face on uncertainty.

"I do not even know."

"Madison? What about you-"

She was already gone, Renee left in the same spot. Watching the humans down below curiously. Growling at the sight of them attacking the red-crested dinosaur.

"Where on earth has that kid gone?" Tony speaks aloud, looking down at his own bracelet which makes a blue holographic map appear with a beeping red. "She's gon-"

A roar shatters the area as the hunters slowed to a halt. Heads spins around as they searched for what made that noise.

"What was that!?" One screams, holding an electric pole that crackles with blue bolts of electricity.

Two men inside of a car stands up. One already having a straight idea what was about to happen.

Gunshots were heard next as a car is tossed to the side, twirling in the air right in the eye sights of the hunters.

Emerging from the trees, the group could only gasp as they see a dinosaur only one of them had ever seen.

"What is that?" Sarah asks Ian as she notices him holding a shocked and concerned look with hints of familiarity in his dark eyes.

"It's Madison, she had only transformed into that dinosaur during Jurassic Park while fighting with the T-Rex. She was winning until the T-Rex shoved her down a cliff." Ian explains, shocking a group.

"Shoved her down a what?!"

Down at the ground they towered, the white skinned dinosaur lets out a horrifying roar. Feeling soft pricks of bullets hitting her harsh skin as she lunges forward and locks her jaw around the top of a vehicle.

"What is that beauty!?" The chief hunter yells aloud, catching the attention of the dinosaur who during their attack stops to turn their attention to them. Snarling at the sight of one particular man.

"That's my damn cousin, Madison." Peter Ludlow groans in annoyance and anger.

"You're related to a giant lizard?" His companion looks to him in straight confusion.

"God no, Madison is a mutant adopted and raised by my uncle, she can transform into creatures." Peter shakes his head, a look of disgust falling on his body before they felt the car be forced to a stop, their bodies crouching down when a shadow is cast over them.

There stand in all intimidation was the giant reptilian they had no entire belief about, their clawed hands grips onto the sides of the roof.

"Extraordinary." The Hunter whispers just before they had to shut their eyes when Madison opened her jaw and gave them a loud roar. Saliva falling mostly on Peter before she pulled away and helped the red-crested dinosaur and a pachycephalosaur, the giant white beast pulls away after.

All humans stared at the creature that gives them one last roar before walking away, Peter was seen by the others stomping out the Jeep and screaming aloud in frustration, angrily kicking up dirt while his two companions discussed the new beasts.



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