Ch. 45 Spinosaurus

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Ch. 45 Spinosaurus

 45 Spinosaurus

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= WAKING UP REFRESHED. Madison was skipping in front of the group that began walking through the jungle. Humming a soft lullaby while Renee walks beside Bumble on the left side of the girl.

"We're heading for the coast, that's probably will be where we meet your parents." Alan informs Eric who was bouncing in eagerness to see his parents.

"Will you come with us Madison?" The named female spins on her heels when she jumping onto an outgrown tree root. White eyes staring down at the young boy.

"I've got to look after Zion and the Smilodons Eric." Madison jumps down, crouching down to the boys height while ruffling his dark brown hair. "After all, who else would do it?" She smiles.

"I would guess, they'd help look after one another." Eric says, patting Bumble's head then doing the same to Renee.

"The reason for my birth was to work with Hammond and because his life dream failed... I need to protect what he failed to protect." Madison explains. Her face still for a moment before she shows a wide smile, laughing then clapping her hands. "We're off to find Eric's parents, Alan's colleague and then I'm shipping you all away."

With that, she heads off. Stopping when they all heard something -well mostly Eric and Madison- those who heard it froze.

A phone was ringing near them, very faint but still easy to hear if you were quiet. "That's my dads phone!" Eric shouts, immediately rushing off somewhere in the direction from where the noise came from. Chasing him was both humans and the two Smilodons.

"Eric!" They hear Amanda's voice crying aloud.

"Mum! Dad!" They all sprint from the bushes, finding a large cage wall curling inwards to them. Eric ran faster with Alan when they saw other people running to the same one on the other side.

"Mum!" Eric laughs, the mother weaving through the nets and hugging their son desperately. With this reunion, Alan stretches an arm through the net and shakes Billy's hand.

"You've got my bag." Billy points out.

"I know, figured it's a lucky bag." Alan chuckles, stepping back to look over the fence. Through our all this, Madison stands, eyes looking around.

"Where's Ezra?" Madison asks the trio.

"Amanda here shot Ezra, thinking he was a velociraptor." Billy informs Madison, her body freezing while Amanda looks away. Paul rubbing her back.

"You did. What!?" Madison shouts, sprinting forward. Swiping the females front collar and pulling her against the ropes.

"She didn't mean too Madison!" Alan shouts, peeling Madison off from Amanda. She wiggles about in his hold.

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