Dark Mind

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Song: Dark Mind by Janine and The Mix tape

(Y/N)'s POV

' You think that cause I got a smile on my face..that I don't know pain'

I smiled as I walked into the kitchen, planting a kiss on Justin's cheek.

"Hey baby, hey guys" I said, wrapping my arms around his waist, and waving at Pattie, Jeremy, and the little ones.

"Hey...you feeling okay today?" He asked, worry washed across his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I smiled, slapping his butt.


"Hey babe, I was thinking that maybe we could go swimming today, the weather is really nice outside-"

"(Y/N).." He interrupted.

"-Or we could go fishing. I know how much you love to fish-"

"(Y/N)!" He yelled, making everyone stop in the tracks.


"We just lost our fuckin baby less then 4 days ago and your acting like everything is o-fucking-kay" He spat.

I bit down on my lip, trying to push the fact that my baby died in my arms.

"I understand that, but it just wasn't destined to be I guess" I said smiling.

' We'll look into my past but I ain't going back again...never again'

"Stop! Stop fucking smiling.. Can you be normal for one fucking second and cry! You didn't shed not one fuckin tear when he died in your arms!" He said yelling in my face.

I counted to 10 in my head, letting all the sadness and anger settle into the pit of my stomach.

"Justin..baby calm down, go finish cooking and we'll discuss this some other time" I said kissing his cheek.

"Stop! Our child died! In your fucking arms and your acting like nothing happened! You carried him for 9 months and your not sad about it!" He yelled, tears running rapidly down his cheeks.

I bet Jason would've had the same chubby, baby face his father has. Key words...would've.

"I understand that..but let's move past that and focus on the now" I said, my voice cracking.

"Wow, that is the first sound of sadness about him dying. Not a tear, but a crack in your fucking voice!" He spat, punching the wall.

"Justin that's enough.. Everyone has a different way of coping, dont get mad at her because you guys dont cope the same way baby" Pattie voiced, hugging her son.

' Told you I'd survive made it out alive..and you can't touch me now..
and though my mind won't be the same. It's over.'

"I'm fine, it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe God will give us twins and make up for the one we lost. We can name him Jason Jr. Because you know Jason died in my arms, not the second Jason were gonna have but the first one we had, I bet he would've been cute, maybe he would've had Patties blue green eyes, or had yours Justin" I rambled, feeling my body start to slowly shut down as the fact that my baby died feeling settled. My baby is dead. He'll never come back. He'll never get it learn how to walk or run into my arms when he gets home from school. I never even got to hear him cry.

"Jay...he's dead...he's dead.." I whispered, falling to my knees as a sob erupted from my chest.

"I know baby...I know" he cried, pulling me into his lap.

' Even though it hurts I wouldn't change anything '

I cried into his chest for hours, but I realized that maybe it wasn't the right time. Justin is going on tour soon, I have to help my best friend plan her wedding, and I have a fashion line that is gonna be out in the fall. How would I fit a baby into that? I was 19 having a baby..maybe that was a sign that I wasn't ready.

' I'm grateful for each day even with the pain it brings..I got my tomorrow'

I was bottling all my emotions inside because I didn't wanna accept the fact that I failed as a parent. It hurt like hell be helpless and unable to do anything to save him.

"Baby..babygirl..." Justin whispered, rubbing my hips.

"Yes baby?" I sniffled.

"I love you..and I know how embarrassing it must've been to give birth in front of both of our families.. And I'm sorry for making you feel like a bad parent because you didn't cry..your amazing and I'm sorry for making you feel like that..and I dont love you any less, in fact I love you more because you were stronger then I was.." He said crying. I smiled, wiping his tears way, along with mine.

"Its fine..I love you too baby..but can you promise me one thing?" I asked, kissing his lips.

"Yes, anything"

"Promise we'll try again..sometime in the future"

"I promise babygirl"









I know I'm late, and I know that was shitty but yeah. Who's on summer break yet? And have you seen how cute Justin looked with his new hair . don't forget to comment and vote.

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