Lies. But Cute.

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"Wait! Check for cars!" Justin said as he let go of your hand, placed his hands on your waist and pulled you back. The cameras flashed like wild.

"Thanks babe, I forgot. Got distracted by the flash's." You say and hold Justin's hand again.

"If they're gonna follow us everywhere and take photos of us, at least turn their flash off." Justin says as he looks right and left for cars. You laugh. Justin takes a step forward while holding your hand and his other hand on his Snap Back.

"Look down." Justin mumbled and the both of you look down, the cameras went wild as the both of you crossed the street.

"What's the big deal of us crossing the street to get some hot dog from a stand?" Justin rhetorically asked as the both of you walked closer to the hot dog stand. You pulled out your wallet. Justin stops walking- you do the same- and he grabs the wallet, pulls you closer to him by the waist.

"I'll pay." He says with a cute smirk.

"You sure? Just because your famous and get a lot of money, doesn't mean you have to pay." You say looking up at him.

"Still. You have a normal work job, unlike me. Besides, I want to pay." He says.

"Thank you." You say and the both of you hug. As the both of you hug Justin puts the wallet in your back pocket. The cameras flash like wild. The both of you let go of each other, buy the hot dogs and walk hand-in-hand back to the hotel.

The next day you sit down on your hotel rooms desk and open up to see in the world wide trends an article about you and Justin. You click on it and in big headlines it on the top of the page it says "Justin push's girlfriend into road AND steals money?"

You quickly read through the article with misleading pictures of yesterday- Justin placing the wallet in your pocket and Justin grabbing your hand to pull back from the street. You slam the laptop close and begin crying into your hands.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Justin asks as he opens the hotel room door and puts some shopping bags down. He leans down on his knees and runs his hand on your back looking at you.

"I can hear your cries from the hallway." Justin jokes but you continue crying.

"How can they do this? How can they lie?" You cry.

"What?" Justin asks confused. He looks at the laptop, stops running his hand on your back and opens the laptop. He quickly reads the article and you watch him.

You look at him sad, Justin stands up and looks down at you while wiping away your tears with his thumbs. He looks at the hotel rooms balcony. The sound of fans screaming was loud and clear.

"I think we should show the world that we actually love each other." Justin said. Before you could ask him what he meant, Justin held your hand and opened the balcony door and the both of you stepped outside.

"Follow my lead." Justin whispered.

Justin looked down at the fans and waved with a charming smile... you watched him with a smile. The fans screamed louder. Justin looked back at you and let out a chuckle.

"Come here." Justin said. You walked closer and put your hands on the balcony railings. Justin stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your stomach, he placed his chin on your shoulder and leaned his head on yours.

The crowed "Awh'd" and took photos. The both of you smiled wide and giggled.

"Stay here." Justin said and kissed your cheek. He let go of you, ran inside the room and came back with a megaphone.

"Where did you get that?" You say and let out a quick laugh.

"It was on sale. I thought it'd be handy some time... And I was right." Justin said and smiled. He wrapped his right arm around your waist and put the megaphone close to his mouth.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen. I'm gonna ask some questions and all you have to do is answer 'yes' or 'no'. Answer with honesty though. True Beliebers will. You ready?" Justin said and the sound of the megaphone was loud.

The fans screamed "YES!".

"Alright. Alright. First question.. You guys know that I love you right?" Justin said clearly into the megaphone.

The fans once again screamed "YES!"

The game continued for a little while, you joined in as well, making jokes and the crowd laughed... and then Justin decided to start a sing along.

"Alright, I think you all know this song. I'll sing the first part, you'll sing the second and we'll sing the chorus together." Justin said as he smiled at the crowed. He held the megaphone slightly away from his mouth, smiled at you and then back at the crowd.

"My hearts a stereo, it beats for you so listen close. Here my thoughts in every no-o-ote. Make me your radio, turn me up when you feel low, this melody was meant for you. So sing along to my stereo.." The crowd began singing Travies part and then it was time for the chorus.

"My hearts a.." Justin put the megaphone on the ground and pointed at the crowd. They all began to sing and Justin turned to you with a charming smile. He stood behind you once again and did the same thing before.

Suddenly, Justin placed his hands on your waist, spun you to face him and leaned in for a passionate kiss... You returned the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. The fans stopped singing and "Awh'd" again. The cameras flashed like crazy.

The next day you woke up and once again, Justin & you were trending worldwide on twitter. Once you clicked the link in big bold headlines it says "Cutest Couple Ever!" The article explained the event that happened yesterday with a photo of Justin and you kissing.

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