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I called Justin, tapping my foot as the phone rang. Justin's been out all night. It's been a regular thing now. Me worrying until he gets home at 3 in the morning. I sighed, climbing up the stairs as I saw the clock read, "1;37Am". I laid bed and all I thought about was Justin. He was all I ever thought about. Soon, I felt my eyes fill with tears. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, removing the tears from my eyes. ...

I heard the door slam downstairs waking me up from my deep sleep. I sat up, running my fingers through my hair. I looked at the clock and read, "5:45AM". I shook my head. I'm done with this. I removed my covers and stomped down the steps. Justin laying on the couch, completely passed out. I was so ready to yell and scream at him. He was really knocked out so, there was no point. I sighed, and just felt like crying. I don't know what he's acting like this. I don't know what the hell is up with him now a days.

I moved over to the couch and laid next to him. I stared at his soft, pale face as he slept peacefully. My hand caressing his cheek. He shifted and his arms wrapped around me. We haven't slept and held each other like this in weeks. I missed this feeling. I laid my head on his chest, letting a few tears slip as they stained his shirt and eventually fell asleep.


I woke up finding Justin gone. I heard the shower turn off upstairs. I sighed,scratching my head and got up, heading upstairs. Justin was in our room in boxers and had his clothes laid out on the bed. He smiled at me, I rolled my eyes. He sighed

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. These past weeks have been really hard. You know that..." I ran my fingers through my hair. "Sorry if I miss my boyfriend, who never even calls me!" I felt a headache coming on. He sighed, "Please baby, just, I'm sorry. I'm just really busy..." I shook my head. "Just go Justin... If your gonna go, then just fucking go." Tears were now falling down my face. He walked towards me and hugged me tight. "No... I'm gonna stay here with you tonight. I promise..." He lifted my chin up and pressed my lips against his. His touch and kiss calmed me down. His fingertips hold my face as his soft lips moved with mine. I pulled back and he wiped my tears away. "I love you, (Y/N). Don't forget that."


I laid in bed with Justin next to me, his arms wrapped around me and out legs wrapped together. This felt so unreal. It was only 10pm. I wondered why he wanted to go to bed this early.


I woke up immediately. Something felt wrong. I looked at the clock. "12:35AM". Justin was gone... Right then and there, I felt hurt. There was nothing Justin could do to make me feel better. I was hurt. He said he would stay... He promised... I was ready to starting bawling my eyes out, but then my phone went off. It was a text from my best friend, (F/N). 'HEYY GURLL! I haven't seen u in forevaa! Come to the club tonite!' I hesitated. I didn't want to go anywhere. I just wanted to stay in bed all night and cry myself to sleep. I didn't want to be all depressed in an up beat environment. I sighed, typing back. 'Sure! Pick me up in 30 ;)' If Justin can go have fun, then so can I.


We got to the club and I already wished I stayed home. I was ready to leave when (F/N) started dragging me to the dance floor. But I refused. "(Y/N) PLEASE! Look, Justin is an asshole. Your here with your best friend on a Saturday night and you should be having fun! Not moping about that son of a bitch!' I giggled at her tone of voice. She smiled, "Now.. Come on."

I sighed, giving in as she squealed and dragged me to the dance floor. We got to the middle and she started to step touch. Soon, she was dancing like a maniac. People danced with and around her. I couldn't stop laughing at her and the people who randomly joined her. I was actually having fun. For the first time in a long time. I haven't laughed and been this happy in a while. It felt really good. Soon, I joined in with her and I was having a blast!

A few songs later, I felt myself breaking a sweat. I caught my breathe. "I'm gonna go get something to drink! I'll be right back!" I shouted over the loud music. "KAY!" She shouted back, not stopping her crazy dancing feet. I walked to the bar, giggling about (F/N).

I got a regular coke and walked over to a quieted place in the club. I sat down on one of the couches. There was a couple making out one couch down from me. I awkwardly sipped my drink as they sucked each-others faces. I looked at the corner of my eye. Something made me turn my head and look at them. The boy's back was faced to me. He looks familiar. My curiosity got the best of me and like a weirdo, I tapped the guy's shoulder.

I wish I hadn't came tonight. I wish I could've just kept sleeping. I wish I never saw that text. I wish that was him sitting right in front of me... "Justin?..." "(Y/N)?... It-it's not wha-" The music muffled in my ear. It went dead silent in my head. My breathing slowed down. It was hard to catch my breathe. He got up, facing me, waking me up. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. She wa-" My hand went across his face. A couple people turned our direction. "Fuck. You." He stood there, completely shocked. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!" I pushed him and he landed back on the couch. "DON'T LET ME INTERRUPT! KEEP FUCKING KISSING HER JUSTIN!!! KEEP ON!!!" I choked on my words as tears filled my eyes and streamed down my face. (F/N) ran over to me and sighed, walking me out the club. We stood outside and I hugged her tightly, crying. My heart was shattered.


I laid in bed, not wanting to believe that tonight actually happened. Like it was all a bad dream and Justin was just in the bathroom and none of this was true... But it was. He cheated on me. He broke me. I hated him. I heard the door slam downstairs. I sighed, turning to my side and closed my eyes as I heard footsteps come up the stairs. The door creaked open. "(Y/N)". I shook my head and got cozy in bed, hoping I would just fall asleep. But I couldn't. I needed to say something...

I sat up and removed the covers off of me and stood right in front of him. He sighed, "Look I-" I interrupted him. "No, Let me talk..." He was ready to object but I glared at him and he shut down.

"You hurt me more than anyone has ever hurt me before. I go to bed, every night thinking your working hard in the studio or having guy time with Scooter or Alfredo. When this whole fucking time, you've been cheating on me?! You know how much that fucking sucks, to go to bed at night wishing the one person that you are madly in love with, to be lying right next to you, holding you, kissing you goodnight. Do you know how much it fucking sucks to be in this house by myself all the fucking time?! HUH?! I JUST WANT YOU AND ONLY YOU! AND YOU FUCKING TREAT ME AND DISRESPECT THE WAY YOU DID!!! WHAT KIND OF FUCKING PERSON DOES THAT?!?!"

I couldn't even talk anymore. I gasped for air as tears streamed down my face. I could barely breathe. I fell to the floor, to my knees, crying hard as my hands covered my face.

I felt his arms cover me. I wanted to punch, slap and kick him. I wanted him to feel the pain that I'm feeling right now. Instead, I crawled into his arms, my hands around his neck as I cried into his chest. He rocked me back and forth with his arms holding on to me tightly, like I was a stuffed animal and he was a little kid.

He sniffed and I looked up at him, with my head still at his chest. Tears slipped down from his face as he looked down at me. His face was red and he was softly crying. I continued to cry, feeling my pain twice as hard from seeing him cry. "I-I don't know why I did that. I was stupid. I don't want to lose you (Y/N). You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please don't leave me... I wouldn't know what to do without you. I'm nothing without you. Please, I love you so fucking much. I'm in love with you (Y/N). Don't leave, please don't go..."

He held me tighter as I could tell he thought of life without me. He shook his head and cried harder. I sniffed and wiped away my tears. I touched his chin and moved it down so he could look down into my eyes. I wiped away his tears with my thumb. "Don't worry about losing me..." I leaned in, kissing his lips. It took him a bit to react since he was still shaking from all the crying, but soon, he started to kiss back.

"I love you (Y/N). No more going out. I will be here, lying next to you every single night. I promise. I swear to everything..." He continued to hold me tightly, and I nodded. "I love you too Justin..." I put my head back in his chest and softly whispered. "Don't you ever hurt me like that again Justin..."

"Wouldn't dream of it..."


Justin Bieber Dirty Imagines/One Shots!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu