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"I cant keep doing this!" You yell

"Its only for a month!" Justin yells back at you.

"You say that all the time, Justin! What are you going to do when you tell Amy (Your Daugher) you have to leave again? Forget my feelings, think about her for once!"

"This is my job! Dammit why cant you just get that through your head already!"

You shake your head and walk out of the room. Completely unaware that your daughter had been standing there the whole time.

You stop right in the middle of your tracks when you hear a small voice "You're leaving again," You peak into the room to see Justin angrily packing his stuff as your small 7 year old sits on the bed watching him. It tears your heart into shreds.

"It's only one month. I'll be back before you know it," He tries to convince Amy. But she's much smarter than you thought.

"You know, at school yesterday this girl Hannah made fun of me. She and her friends laughed at me,"

"Why would they do that?" Justin asks her not sounding at all concerned.

"They make fun of me because they don't think I have a dad,"

This sentence went straight to your heart, ripped it into a million pieces and sprinkled it on the floor. You could tell it did the same to Justin even if he didn't want to admit it.

"You missed the daddy-daughter dance last year. You never go to any of my school events. Everyone just assumes you don't exist,"

"But you know I'm here for you," He says

Amy looks like shes thinking about something, "No," She shakes her head "You're not,"

She gets up and runs out of the room. Justin turns to face you.

"How long you been standing there?" He asks.

"Long enough," You whisper "I think you need to fix that,"

Justin sighs and opens his arms for you. You reluctantly fall into them. "I think I do too,"

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna get my family back. I'm here," He says.

He gives you a powerful kiss on the lips, as he breaks away he whispers "I'm here

Justin Bieber Dirty Imagines/One Shots!Where stories live. Discover now