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~Karan Pov While driving car~

I have done my breakfast and come out from cafeteria. While walking my eyes caught Tejasswi figure standing in the college main gate. She was smiling to seeing the paper I know she didn't expect orange juice, sandwich and that note. Seeing her happy my face turned into happy. I see her face now I can work properly. Then my smiling face faded after seeing Nishant, what he was doing here. Then I remember he was the student of this college only so I can't do anything. He is talking to Teju but after few minutes he come very close to her. I can't control myself anymore so I left from there and directly went to Dad office. I take the file and say Dad I'm leaving. He say why now? I don't reply him and left from his office. I went towards my car and put the file on my bag. And I start my engine. I see they are still closed to eachother so I turned the speed high and give one time horn but luckily they noticed and separate eachother. I drive my car between them but also careful not to touch both of their body. I don't want to hurt my BABY and also that bastard because I don't want to go jail.

K: 'BABY' just wait for DADDY after coming your DADDY will punished you so hard that you never expected *smirk face*

After saying, he start his music player and move towards abc university.

On other side, Tejasswi has class so she went to her classroom. First period was with Rajiv. He enters the classroom. Everyone greets him. He look at Tejasswi and see her sad face. But not say anything to her and started his class.

Tejasswi can't able to focus because she is thinking about Karan. From yesterday she didn't see her husband face and today she can't say him 'GOODBYE' also. She was so much lost in herself that she couldn't hear Rajiv voice.

R: Tejasswi *loud voice*

T: *came into reality* Yes Raj- I mean Mr. Aaditya.

R: Where you lost Tejasswi? I'm continuously calling you but you didn't response!! WHY? Any problem?

T: I am sorry Mr. Adatiya. This will not happen again.

R: Ok

Rajiv again started his class. Now Tejasswi full focus on class. She doesn't want to scold again by Rajiv.

Another side~

Karan pov :

I have reached the university. It is beautiful BTW. I take my step towards the university and I don't know where is the principal office so I take help from one of the teacher of the university.

K: Excuse me Ma'am.

???: Yes *she look at Karan*

K: Can you tell me where is the principal office.

???: Yeah. Just go straight and then take right turn. their is only the principal office.

K: Thank you Ma'am *with smile*

???: Welcome. BTW what is your name?

K: My name is Karan Kundrra and what is yours?

???: My name is Esha

K: Esha nice name and thank you for your help. now I have to leave BYE *Karan left*

E: What a handsome man and his body OMG I'm drooling over him. I wish he is single then I'll make him mine forever *biting lips and left*

K: Miss Esha tell me to go this side. Oh I got the principal office. I see door was open so I stand infront of the door and say-

K: May I come in sir.

Principal look at him and say-
P: Come in

K: Good afternoon sir.

P: Good afternoon and I'm not wrong you're the son of Mr.Kundrra of xxx college.

K: Yes sir, you're right *with smile*

P: So, your Dad given you one file will you bring that one.

K: Yes sir *open his bag and take out the file and give to principal*

P: Thank you Karan

K: Welcome sir *smile*

P: Karan you'll take math classes from now on. Come with me I'll show you the class.

They both stand from the chair and left the principal office. Principal take Karan to classroom. Every students greetings him and many girls starts drooling over him. He have a such attractive person anyone can attract so easily. Principal introduce him to every students and tell them he will take their class only for 1 month. Then he have to leave this university.

P: I have call him for your better results because next time you all guys beat the math teacher. Don't repeat the same and if you guys again do then you all guys will be thrown out from this university and never you get admission any further university. So behave properly *cold voice*

All Students: Ok sir

P: Karan you can take the class I have to leave.

K: Ok sir *with smile*

Principal left~

Will student also beat Karan? Or he give a lesson to them. Esha try to make a move on Karan? To know more please vote and comment. I already write next part sotoday I can give double uploade💌

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